Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter XVII - Glossary


Sensual and mortal beliefs; counterfeits of creation,
whose better originals are God's thoughts, not in em-
bryo, but in maturity; material suppositions of life, sub-
stance, and intelligence, opposed to the Science of being.
CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. The representatives of Soul, not
corporeal sense; the offspring of Spirit, who, having
wrestled with error, sin, and sense, are governed by divine
Science; some of the ideas of God beheld as men, casting
out error and healing the sick; Christ's offspring.
CHRIST. The divine manifestation of God, which comes
to the flesh to destroy incarnate error.
CHURCH. The structure of Truth and Love; what-
ever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle.
The Church is that institution, which affords proof of
its utility and is found elevating the race, rousing the
dormant understanding from material beliefs to the ap-
prehension of spiritual ideas and the demonstration of
divine Science, thereby casting out devils, or error, and
healing the sick.
CREATOR. Spirit; Mind; intelligence; the animating
divine Principle of all that is real and good; self-existent
Life, Truth, and Love; that which is perfect and eternal;
the opposite of matter and evil, which have no Prin-
ciple; God, who made all that was made and could not
create an atom or an element the opposite of Himself.
DAN (Jacob's son). Animal magnetism; so-called mor-
tal mind controlling mortal mind; error, working out
the designs of error; one belief preying upon another.
DAY. The irradiance of Life; light, the spiritual idea
of Truth and Love.
"And the evening and the morning were the first day."
(Genesis i. 5.) The objects of time and sense disappear
in the illumination of spiritual understanding, and Mind
measures time according to the good that is unfolded.
This unfolding is God's day, and "there shall be no night
DEATH. An illusion, the lie of life in matter; the un-
real and untrue; the opposite of Life.
Matter has no life, hence it has no real existence. Mind
is immortal. The flesh, warring against Spirit; that
which frets itself free from one belief only to be fettered
by another, until every belief of life where Life is not
yields to eternal Life. Any material evidence of death is
false, for it contradicts the spiritual facts of being.
DEVIL. Evil; a lie; error; neither corporeality nor
mind; the opposite of Truth; a belief in sin, sickness,
and death; animal magnetism or hypnotism; the lust of
the flesh, which saith: "I am life and intelligence in
matter. There is more than one mind, for I am mind, –
a wicked mind, self-made or created by a tribal god and
put into the opposite of mind, termed matter, thence to
reproduce a mortal universe, including man, not after the
image and likeness of Spirit, but after its own image."
DOVE. A symbol of divine Science; purity and peace;
hope and faith.
DUST. Nothingness; the absence of substance, life, or
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