Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter X - Science Of Being


ifests mortality, a false sense of soul. The delusion that
there is life in matter has no kinship with the Life supernal.
Unscientific introspection
Science depicts disease as error, as matter versus
Mind, and error reversed as subserving the facts of
health. To calculate one's life-prospects
from a material basis, would infringe upon
spiritual law and misguide human hope. Having faith
in the divine Principle of Health and spiritually under-
standing God, sustains man under all circumstances;
whereas the lower appeal to the general faith in material
means (commonly called nature) must yield to the all‑
might of infinite Spirit.
Throughout the infinite cycles of eternal existence,
Spirit and matter neither concur in man nor in the universe.
God the only Mind
The varied doctrines and theories which presuppose
life and intelligence to exist in matter are so many ancient
and modern mythologies. Mystery, miracle,
sin, and death will disappear when it becomes
fairly understood that the divine Mind controls man and
man has no Mind but God.
Scriptures misinterpreted
The divine Science taught in the original language
of the Bible came through inspiration, and needs inspi-
ration to be understood. Hence the misappre-
hension of the spiritual meaning of the Bible,
and the misinterpretation of the Word in
some instances by uninspired writers, who only wrote
down what an inspired teacher had said. A misplaced
word changes the sense and misstates the Science of
the Scriptures, as, for instance, to name Love as merely
an attribute of God; but we can by special and proper
capitalization speak of the love of Love, meaning by that
what the beloved disciple meant in one of his epistles,
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