Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter VII - Physiology


Harm done by physicians
than his calomel and morphine, for the higher stratum of
mortal mind has in belief more power to harm man than
the substratum, matter. A patient hears the
doctor's verdict as a criminal hears his death‑
sentence. The patient may seem calm under it, but he is
not. His fortitude may sustain him, but his fear, which
has already developed the disease that is gaining the
mastery, is increased by the physician's words.
Disease depicted
The materialistic doctor, though humane, is an art-
ist who outlines his thought relative to disease, and then
fills in his delineations with sketches from text-
books. It is better to prevent disease from
forming in mortal mind afterwards to appear on the
body; but to do this requires attention. The thought of
disease is formed before one sees a doctor and before
the doctor undertakes to dispel it by a counter-irritant,
– perhaps by a blister, by the application of caustic or
croton oil, or by a surgical operation. Again, giving an-
other direction to faith, the physician prescribes drugs,
until the elasticity of mortal thought haply causes a
vigorous reaction upon itself, and reproduces a picture
of healthy and harmonious formations.
A patient's belief is more or less moulded and formed
by his doctor's belief in the case, even though the doctor
says nothing to support his theory. His thoughts and his
patient's commingle, and the stronger thoughts rule the
weaker. Hence the importance that doctors be Christian
Mind over matter
Because the muscles of the blacksmith's arm are
strongly developed, it does not follow that
exercise has produced this result or that a
less used arm must be weak. If matter were the cause
of action, and if muscles, without volition of mortal
mind, could lift the hammer and strike the anvil, it
might be thought true that hammering would enlarge
the muscles. The trip-hammer is not increased in size
by exercise. Why not, since muscles are as material as
wood and iron? Because nobody believes that mind is
producing such a result on the hammer.
Muscles are not self-acting. If mind does not move
them, they are motionless. Hence the great fact that
Mind alone enlarges and empowers man through its
mandate, – by reason of its demand for and supply of
power. Not because of muscular exercise, but by rea-
son of the blacksmith's faith in exercise, his arm becomes
Latent fear subdued
Mortals develop their own bodies or make them sick,
according as they influence them through mortal mind.
To know whether this development is produced
consciously or unconsciously, is of less impor-
tance than a knowledge of the fact. The feats of the gym-
nast prove that latent mental fears are subdued by him.
The devotion of thought to an honest achievement makes
the achievement possible. Exceptions only confirm this
rule, proving that failure is occasioned by a too feeble
Had Blondin believed it impossible to walk the rope
over Niagara's abyss of waters, he could never have
done it. His belief that he could do it gave his thought‑
forces, called muscles, their flexibility and power which
the unscientific might attribute to a lubricating oil. His
fear must have disappeared before his power of putting
resolve into action could appear.
Homer and Moses
When Homer sang of the Grecian gods, Olympus was
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