Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter VII - Physiology


Modes of matter
reliance on God, omnipotent Mind, and according to be-
lief, poisons the human system. Truth is not the basis of
theogony. Modes of matter form neither a moral nor a
spiritual system. The discord which calls for material
methods is the result of the exercise of faith in material
modes, – faith in matter instead of in Spirit.
Physiology unscientific
Did Jesus understand the economy of man less than
Graham or Cutter? Christian ideas certainly present
what human theories exclude – the Principle
of man's harmony. The text, "Whosoever
liveth and believeth in me shall never die," not only con-
tradicts human systems, but points to the self-sustaining
and eternal Truth.
The demands of Truth are spiritual, and reach the
body through Mind. The best interpreter of man's needs
said: "Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat,
or what ye shall drink."
If there are material laws which prevent disease, what
then causes it? Not divine law, for Jesus healed the
sick and cast out error, always in opposition, never in
obedience, to physics.
Causation considered
Spiritual causation is the one question to be considered,
for more than all others spiritual causation relates to
human progress. The age seems ready to
approach this subject, to ponder somewhat
the supremacy of Spirit, and at least to touch the hem
of Truth's garment.
The description of man as purely physical, or as both
material and spiritual, – but in either case dependent
upon his physical organization, – is the Pandora box,
from which all ills have gone forth, especially despair.
Matter, which takes divine power into its own hands and
claims to be a creator, is a fiction, in which paganism and
lust are so sanctioned by society that mankind has caught
their moral contagion.
Paradise regained
Through discernment of the spiritual opposite of ma-
teriality, even the way through Christ, Truth, man will
reopen with the key of divine Science the gates
of Paradise which human beliefs have closed,
and will find himself unfallen, upright, pure, and free,
not needing to consult almanacs for the probabilities either
of his life or of the weather, not needing to study brain‑
ology to learn how much of a man he is.
A closed question
Mind's control over the universe, including man, is
no longer an open question, but is demonstrable Science.
Jesus illustrated the divine Principle and the
power of immortal Mind by healing sickness
and sin and destroying the foundations of death.
Matter versus Spirit
Mistaking his origin and nature, man believes himself to
be combined matter and Spirit. He believes that Spirit
is sifted through matter, carried on a nerve, ex-
posed to ejection by the operation of matter.
The intellectual, the moral, the spiritual, – yea, the image
of infinite Mind, – subject to non-intelligence!
No more sympathy exists between the flesh and Spirit
than between Belial and Christ.
The so-called laws of matter are nothing but false be-
liefs that intelligence and life are present where Mind
is not. These false beliefs are the procuring cause of all
sin and disease. The opposite truth, that intelligence and
life are spiritual, never material, destroys sin, sickness,
and death.
The fundamental error lies in the supposition that man
is a material outgrowth and that the cognizance of good
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