Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter VI - Science, Theology, Medicine


Third Degree: Understanding.
SPIRITUAL. Wisdom, purity, spiritual understanding,
spiritual power, love, health, holiness.
Spiritual universe
In the third degree mortal mind disappears, and man as
God's image appears. Science so reverses the evidence
before the corporeal human senses, as to make
this Scriptural testimony true in our hearts,
"The last shall be first, and the first last," so that God
and His idea may be to us what divinity really is and
must of necessity be, – all-inclusive.
Aim of Science
A correct view of Christian Science and of its adapta-
tion to healing includes vastly more than is at first seen.
Works on metaphysics leave the grand point
untouched. They never crown the power of
Mind as the Messiah, nor do they carry the day against
physical enemies, – even to the extinction of all belief in
matter, evil, disease, and death, – nor insist upon the fact
that God is all, therefore that matter is nothing beyond an
image in mortal mind.
Divine personality
Christian Science strongly emphasizes the thought that
God is not corporeal, but incorporeal, – that is,
bodiless. Mortals are corporeal, but God is
As the words person and personal are commonly and
ignorantly employed, they often lead, when applied to
Deity, to confused and erroneous conceptions of divinity
and its distinction from humanity. If the term personality,
as applied to God, means infinite personality, then God is
infinite Person, – in the sense of infinite personality, but
not in the lower sense. An infinite Mind in a finite form
is an absolute impossibility.
The term individuality is also open to objections, be-
cause an individual may be one of a series, one of many,
as an individual man, an individual horse; whereas God
is One, – not one of a series, but one alone and without
an equal.
Spiritual language
God is Spirit; therefore the language of Spirit must
be, and is, spiritual. Christian Science attaches no physi-
cal nature and significance to the Supreme
Being or His manifestation; mortals alone do
this. God's essential language is spoken of in the last
chapter of Mark's Gospel as the new tongue, the spir-
itual meaning of which is attained through "signs
The miracles of Jesus
Ear hath not heard, nor hath lip spoken, the pure lan-
guage of Spirit. Our Master taught spirituality by simili-
tudes and parables. As a divine student he
unfolded God to man, illustrating and demon-
strating Life and Truth in himself and by his power over
the sick and sinning. Human theories are inadequate to
interpret the divine Principle involved in the miracles
(marvels) wrought by Jesus and especially in his mighty,
crowning, unparalleled, and triumphant exit from the
Opacity of the senses
Evidence drawn from the five physical senses relates
solely to human reason; and because of opaci-
ty to the true light, human reason dimly re-
flects and feebly transmits Jesus' works and words. Truth
is a revelation.
Leaven of Truth
Jesus bade his disciples beware of the leaven of the
Pharisees and of the Sadducees, which he de-
fined as human doctrines. His parable of the
"leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures
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