Chapter XVIII - Fruitage
happy I could hardly contain myself; to material
happy I could hardly contain myself; to material
sense it was wonderful. As I walked I kept saying,
"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful," and tried to un-
derstand "the scientific statement of being" by repeat-
ing portions at a time, then pondering over them. I
read the book four times in succession, and every
time I found more and more to aid in the under-
This healing was in October, 1901, with no other
This healing was in October, 1901, with no other
help than Science and Health, and soon I was relieved
of other chronic ailments. In February I was able to
put away eyeglasses, which I had worn ten years and
a half for astigmatism. Oculists told me I would always
have to wear them. A month later my father asked
me to help him, as he was suffering so much from con-
stipation, dyspepsia, and neuralgia. He had been sub-
sisting on bran, nearly starving himself until be was most
miserable, and his limbs seemed so cold that they were
kept wrapped in blankets. I felt very humble as he
asked me, and told him I would have a practitioner help
him, as I had never treated any one; but he would not
consent to have any one but myself, and I finally told
him I would try, but that he must not hold Science respon-
sible if he were not benefited, for my lack of understand-
ing, and not Science, would be at fault. At my request
he read Science and Health, ate whatever he wanted,
and used no medicine in any form. After two treat-
ments I received word from him that he was healed
of that bondage of thirty years' standing. In view of
all these signs which followed my acceptance of Chris-
tian Science, I knew it must be true. – R. L. A.,
Chicago, Ill.
I was delicate from childhood, and my parents did
I was delicate from childhood, and my parents did
not think it was possible for me to live more than a
few years. I lived, however, although there was not
much improvement in my health. Travel and change
of climate brought only temporary relief, and the physi-
cians gave me no hope that I would ever be well.
As a last resort I began the study of Science and
As a last resort I began the study of Science and
Health, and before I had finished reading the book I
realized that its author was divinely commissioned to
bring this spiritual message to a waiting world. Through
this reading my health was restored, and I was healed
of one disease that has been called incurable by all
For this, together with the greater and higher bles-
For this, together with the greater and higher bles-
sing of having the spiritual fact of being unfolded to me,
I am most grateful.
What shall be rendered for such benefits received and
What shall be rendered for such benefits received and
made possible by the consecrated life of our revered
Leader? Only by following the teachings of our text-
book, and by loving obedience to her gentle and timely
admonitions can we show our true sense of gratitude. –
F. H. D., De Funiak Springs, Fla.
A testimony given in the Journal led me to investi-
A testimony given in the Journal led me to investi-
gate Christian Science, and I hope in return to be the
means of leading some one else to see the beauty of this
saving truth, and to learn to know God aright and
man's relationship to Him. I know from experience