Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter XVIII - Fruitage


Half a day's reading convinced me that I had found
the way to holiness and health. I read on, thinking only
of the spiritual enlightenment, content to wait until I
should be led to some person who would heal me; but
old things had passed away, and all things had become
new. I was completely healed before I had met a Scien-
tist, or one who knew anything about Christian Science,
and before I had read a line of any other Christian Science
literature except one leaf of a tract; so it is absolutely
certain that the healing was entirely impersonal, as was
also the teaching, which enabled me to begin at once
demonstrating the power of Truth to destroy all forms
of error. – E. J. W., North Yakima, Wash.
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I send the
particulars of my healing through Christian Science.
While visiting friends in the southwestern part of On-
tario, about three years ago, my attention was called
to Christian Science and the wonderful healing it was
doing. I had lived in New York for twenty-five years,
but had never heard of Christian Science before, to my
Up to that time, for seventeen years, I had suffered
with indigestion and gastritis in the worst form, often
being overcome from a seeming pressure against the heart.
I had asthma for four years, also had worn glasses for
four years. It seemed to me that I had swallowed every
known medicine to relieve my indigestion, but they only
gave me temporary benefit. I purchased a copy of Sci-
ence and Health, and simply from the reading of that
grand book I was completely healed of all my physical
ailments in two weeks' time. I have used no medi-
cine from that day to this, and with God's help, and
the wonderful light revealed to me through the reading
of Mrs. Eddy's book, I never expect to again. I used
to smoke eight or ten cigars a day, and also took an
occasional drink, but the desire for these has gone, – I
feel forever. I travel on the road, and am constantly
being invited to indulge, but it is no effort to abstain,
and in many instances I find that my refusal helps
While I fully appreciate the release from my physical
troubles, this pales into insignificance in comparison with
the spiritual uplifting Christian Science has brought me.
I had not been inside a church for more than ten years,
to attend regular services, until I entered a Christian
Science church. What I saw and realized there, seemed
so genuine that I loved Christian Science from the very
start. I have never taken a treatment, – every inch
of the way has been through study and practical demon-
stration, and I know that all can do the same thing if they
will try.
Since I have been in Science I have overcome a case of
ulcerated tooth in one night through the reading of Science
and Health; also a severe attack of grip in thirty-six hours
by obeying the Scripture saying, "Physician, heal thy-
self." – B. H. N., New York, N. Y.
I was a great sufferer for many years from internal
cancer and consumption. I was treated by the best of
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