Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter X - Science Of Being


Material knowledge illusive
sistently by Christian Science. Truth and Love antidote
this mental miasma, and thus invigorate and sustain ex-
istence. Unnecessary knowledge gained from
the five senses is only temporal, – the concep-
tion of mortal mind, the offspring of sense, not
of Soul, Spirit, – and symbolizes all that is evil and
perishable. Natural science, as it is commonly called, is
not really natural nor scientific, because it is deduced from
the evidence of the material senses. Ideas, on the con-
trary, are born of Spirit, and are not mere inferences
drawn from material premises.
Five senses deceptive
The senses of Spirit abide in Love, and they demon-
strate Truth and Life. Hence Christianity and the Sci-
ence which expounds it are based on spiritual
understanding, and they supersede the so‑
called laws of matter. Jesus demonstrated this great
verity. When what we erroneously term the five physical
senses are misdirected, they are simply the manifested
beliefs of mortal mind, which affirm that life, substance,
and intelligence are material, instead of spiritual. These
false beliefs and their products constitute the flesh, and
the flesh wars against Spirit.
Impossible partnership
Divine Science is absolute, and permits no half-way
position in learning its Principle and rule – establishing
it by demonstration. The conventional firm,
called matter and mind, God never formed.
Science and understanding, governed by the unerring and
eternal Mind, destroy the imaginary copartnership, matter
and mind, formed only to be destroyed in a manner and
at a period as yet unknown. This suppositional partner-
ship is already obsolete, for matter, examined in the light
of divine metaphysics, disappears.
Spirit the starting-point
Matter has no life to lose, and Spirit never dies. A
partnership of mind with matter would ignore omnipres-
ent and omnipotent Mind. This shows that
matter did not originate in God, Spirit, and is
not eternal. Therefore matter is neither substantial, living,
nor intelligent. The starting-point of divine Science is
that God, Spirit, is All-in-all, and that there is no other
might nor Mind, – that God is Love, and therefore He
is divine Principle.
Divine synonyms
To grasp the reality and order of being in its Science,
you must begin by reckoning God as the divine Principle
of all that really is. Spirit, Life, Truth, Love,
combine as one, – and are the Scriptural names
for God. All substance, intelligence, wisdom, being, im-
mortality, cause, and effect belong to God. These are
His attributes, the eternal manifestations of the infinite
divine Principle, Love. No wisdom is wise but His
wisdom; no truth is true, no love is lovely, no life is Life
but the divine; no good is, but the good God bestows.
The divine completeness
Divine metaphysics, as revealed to spiritual understand-
ing, shows clearly that all is Mind, and that Mind is
God, omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience,
– that is, all power, all presence, all Science.
Hence all is in reality the manifestation of Mind.
Our material human theories are destitute of Science.
The true understanding of God is spiritual. It robs the
grave of victory. It destroys the false evidence that mis-
leads thought and points to other gods, or other so-called
powers, such as matter, disease, sin, and death, superior
or contrary to the one Spirit.
Truth, spiritually discerned, is scientifically understood.
It casts out error and heals the sick.
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