Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy


the treatment of disease as well as of sin, her system has
been fully tested and has not been found wanting; but
to reach the heights of Christian Science, man must live
in obedience to its divine Principle. To develop the full
might of this Science, the discords of corporeal sense
must yield to the harmony of spiritual sense, even as the
science of music corrects false tones and gives sweet con-
cord to sound.
Theology and physics teach that both Spirit and
matter are real and good, whereas the fact is that
Spirit is good and real, and matter is Spirit's oppo-
site. The question, What is Truth, is answered by
demonstration, – by healing both disease and sin; and
this demonstration shows that Christian healing con-
fers the most health and makes the best men. On this
basis Christian Science will have a fair fight. Sickness
has been combated for centuries by doctors using ma-
terial remedies; but the question arises, Is there less
sickness because of these practitioners? A vigorous
"No" is the response deducible from two connate
facts, – the reputed longevity of the Antediluvians,
and the rapid multiplication and increased violence of
diseases since the flood.
TION, may be found a biographical sketch, narrating
experiences which led her, in the year 1866, to the dis-
covery of the system that she denominated Christian
Science. As early as 1862 she began to write down and
give to friends the results of her Scriptural study, for
the Bible was her sole teacher; but these compositions
were crude, – the first steps of a child in the newly dis-
covered world of Spirit.
She also began to jot down her thoughts on the
main subject, but these jottings were only infantile
lispings of Truth. A child drinks in the outward world
through the eyes and rejoices in the draught. He is
as sure of the world's existence as he is of his own; yet
he cannot describe the world. He finds a few words,
and with these he stammeringly attempts to convey his
feeling. Later, the tongue voices the more definite
thought, though still imperfectly.
So was it with the author. As a certain poet says of
himself, she "lisped in numbers, for the numbers
came." Certain essays written at that early date are
still in circulation among her first pupils; but they are
feeble attempts to state the Principle and practice of
Christian healing, and are not complete nor satisfac-
tory expositions of Truth. To-day, though rejoicing
in some progress, she still finds herself a willing dis-
ciple at the heavenly gate, waiting for the Mind of
Her first pamphlet on Christian Science was copy-
righted in 1870; but it did not appear in print until
1876, as she had learned that this Science must be
demonstrated by healing, before a work on the subject
could be profitably studied. From 1867 until 1875,
copies were, however, in friendly circulation.
Before writing this work, SCIENCE AND HEALTH, she
made copious notes of Scriptural exposition, which
have never been published. This was during the years
1867 and 1868. These efforts show her comparative
ignorance of the stupendous Life-problem up to that
time, and the degrees by which she came at length
to its solution; but she values them as a parent
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