Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter XVIII - Fruitage


see if Christian Science were the truth. I had no thought
of studying it for bodily healing; in fact, I did not think
I needed it for that, but my soul cried out for something
I had not yet found. This book was indeed a key to the
It was not long after I began reading before I dis-
covered that my eyes were good and strong, I could
read as much as I wished, and at any time, which was
something I could not do before, as my eyes had always
been weak. The doctors said they never would be very
strong, and that if I did not wear glasses, I might lose
my sight altogether. I never gave up to wearing glasses,
and now, thanks to Christian Science, I do not need them,
my work for the past two years as a railway mail clerk
being a good test. At the same time my eyes were healed,
I also noticed that I was entirely healed of another ail-
ment which had been with me all my life, and which was
believed to be inherited. Since that time my growth
has seemed to me slow, yet when I look back and view
myself as I was before Christian Science found me, and
compare it with my life as it now is, I can only close my
eyes to the picture and rejoice that I have been "born
again" and that I have daily been putting off "the
old man with his deeds," and putting on "the new
Some of the many things that have been overcome
through the study of Science and Health, and through
realizing and practising the truth it teaches, are pro-
fanity, the use of tobacco, a very quick temper, which
made both myself and those around me at times very
miserable, and such thoughts as malice, revenge, etc. –
O. L. R., Fort Worth, Tex.
Most of my boyhood days were spent in the hands
of physicians. From birth I was considered a very
weakly child, but my mother was brave, and being
much devoted to me did everything within her knowl-
edge and power for my comfort. Sickness and medi-
cine were continually before me, and by the time I
reached my teens I thought I knew a material remedy
for every ill. I continued in my delusion, because I
was never told the real cause of my trouble. Besides
being under a leading specialist for two years, I was
also an outdoor patient at a noted hospital, but I was
not healed. It is wonderful how the "little ones" are
cared for in the face of all these seeming difficulties.
I always used the prayers that I had been taught, and
as I grew older I began to ask for wisdom. Little by
little I gained a desire for freedom, and my prayers
finally led me to the truth. The first week that I
heard of Christian Science, I visited the home of dear
Christian Science friends, and was at once refreshed
by their purity of thought and example. I bought
a copy of Science and Health, and, after studying it
a little while with the Bible, I saw that if the Bible
was true, Science and Health must also be true. I
began to demonstrate over my physical and mental
condition, and as soon as the fear and pain began
to leave me I felt encouraged to go on. I was healed,
and stopped complaining. I kept on studying our
textbook, and when I got an understanding in a
small degree of the Science of Mind, my first thought
was to help others. I was guided where I could pro-
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