Chapter XVIII - Fruitage
I tried to live my life in my own way and put religion
I tried to live my life in my own way and put religion
aside. I was a great believer in fate and in will-power,
and thought to put them in the place of God, with
the consequence that I was led to do many rash and
foolish things. I am now thankful to say that my out-
look on life is entirely changed; I have proved God's
wisdom and goodness so often that I am willing and
thankful to know my future is in His hands and that
all things must work out for the best. I have found a
God whom I can love and worship with my whole
heart, and I now read my Bible with interest and
I was healed of very bad rheumatism simply by read-
I was healed of very bad rheumatism simply by read-
ing Science and Health. I had tried many medicines,
also massage, with no result, and the doctors told me
that I would always suffer from this disease, as it
was inherited, and also because I had rheumatic fever
when a child. I suffered day and night, and nothing
relieved me until Science proved to me the falseness
of this belief by removing it. I gave up all the medi-
cines I was taking and have never touched any since,
and that is more than two years ago. Before this I
had often tried to do without a medicine that I had
taken every day for ten years, but was always ill and had
to return to it, until I found out that one Mind is the only
medicine, and then I was freed from the suffering.
I had also suffered constantly from bilious attacks,
I had also suffered constantly from bilious attacks,
colds, and a weak chest, and had been warned not to
be out in wet weather, etc., but now, I am glad to say,
I am quite free from all those material laws and go
out in all sorts of weather. – R. D. F., Edinburgh,
For eight years I was a great sufferer from weak
For eight years I was a great sufferer from weak
lungs and after being treated by ten different physi-
cians, in the States of Illinois, Missouri, and Colo-
rado, I was told there was no hope of my recovery
from what they pronounced tuberculosis, which was
hereditary, my father having been afflicted with it. I
was greatly emaciated and hardly able to be about.
My general condition was aggravated by what the doc-
tors said was paralysis of the bowels. Three physi-
cians so diagnosed it at different times, and assured
my husband that I could never get more than tem-
porary relief. This indeed I found difficult to obtain,
in spite of my almost frantic efforts. At times I was
nearly insane from suffering, and after eight years of
doctoring I found myself steadily growing worse. For
four years I did not have a normal action of the bowels,
and it was only by extreme effort and by resort to pow-
erful drugs or mechanical means, with resultant suffering,
that any action whatever could be brought about.
I had heard nothing of the curative power of Chris-
I had heard nothing of the curative power of Chris-
tian Science, and only to oblige a friend I went one
night, about three years ago, to one of their mid-week
testimonial meetings, in Boulder, Colorado. I was much
impressed by what I heard there, and determined at once
to investigate this strange religion, in the hope that it
might have something good for me. I bought the text-
book, Science and Health, and from the first I found
myself growing stronger and better, both physically and
mentally, as I acquired a better understanding and en-
deavored toput into practice what I learned. In one week