Chapter XVIII - Fruitage
ful friend called my attention to the teaching of Chris-
ful friend called my attention to the teaching of Chris-
tian Science. After some opposition, I decided to in-
vestigate it, with the thoughtthat if this teaching would
be helpful, it was meant for me as well as for others; if
it did not afford any help, I could put it aside again, but
that I would find out and be convinced.
After I had read Mrs. Eddy's work, Science and Health,
After I had read Mrs. Eddy's work, Science and Health,
a few days, I found that my ailments had disappeared,
and a rest had come to me which I had never before known.
I had smoked almost incessantly, although I had often
determined to use my will power and never smoke again,
but had always failed. This desire as well as the de-
sire for drink simply disappeared, and I wish to say here,
that I received all these benefits before I had gained much
understanding of what I was reading. Like a prisoner,
who had been in chains for years, I was suddenly set free.
I did not then know how the chain had been removed,
but I had to acknowledge that it came through the reading
of this book. I then felt an ardent desire to read more,
and to know what this power was that had freed me
in a few days of that which I had been trying for years
to shake off and had failed. It then became clear to
me that this was the truth which Jesus Christ taught
and preached to free humanity almost two thousand
years ago. It did not, however, occur to me to apply
it in my business affairs; on the contrary, I first thought
that if I continued in my study I would have to retire
from business.
This did not happen, however, for I gradually found
This did not happen, however, for I gradually found
that the little understanding of this wonderful teach-
ing which I had acquired became a great help to me in
my business. I became more friendly, more honest,
more loving to my fellow-men; and I also acquired better
more loving to my fellow-men; and I also acquired better
judgment and was able to do the right thing at the right
time. As a natural result my business improved. Be-
fore I knew anything of Christian Science my business
had often been a burden to me, fear and worry deprived
me of my rest. How different it is now! Through the
study of the Bible, which now possesses unmeasurable
treasures for me, and for our textbook, Science and Health,
and the other works of our Leader, I receive peace and
confidence in God and that insight into character which
is necessary for the correct management of any business.
– W. H. H., Bloomfield, Neb.
For a long time I have been impelled to contribute a
For a long time I have been impelled to contribute a
testimony of the healing power of Truth. As I read
other testimonies and rejoice in them, some one may
rejoice in mine. I was healed by reading Science and
Health. By applying it, I found it to be the truth that
Jesus taught, – the truth that sets free.
From childhood I had never known a well day. I
From childhood I had never known a well day. I
was healed of lung trouble of long standing. Con-
sumption was hereditary in our family, my mother and
three brothers having passed on with it. The law of
materia medica said that in a short time I must fol-
low them. I also had severe stomach trouble of over
eight years' standing, during which time I always re-
tired without supper, as the fear of suffering from my
food was so great that I denied myself food when hun-
gry. For over twenty years I had ovarian trouble,
which was almost unbearable at times. It dated from