Chapter XV - Genesis
Mortality mythical
myth, for man is immortal. The false belief that spirit is
myth, for man is immortal. The false belief that spirit is
now submerged in matter, at some future time to be eman-
cipated from it, – this belief alone is mortal.
Spirit, God, never germinates, but is "the same
yesterday, and to-day, and forever." If Mind, God, cre-
ates error, that error must exist in the divine Mind, and
this assumption of error would dethrone the perfection
of Deity.
No truth from a material basis
Is Christian Science contradictory? Is the divine
Is Christian Science contradictory? Is the divine
Principle of creation misstated? Has God no Science to
declare Mind, while matter is governed by un-
erring intelligence? "There went up a mist
from the earth." This represents error as
starting from an idea of good on a material basis. It
supposes God and man to be manifested only through
the corporeal senses, although the material senses can
take no cognizance of Spirit or the spiritual idea.
Genesis and the Apocalypse seem more obscure than
other portions of the Scripture, because they cannot
possibly be interpreted from a material standpoint. To
the author, they are transparent, for they contain the deep
divinity of the Bible.
Dawning of spiritual facts
Christian Science is dawning upon a material age.
Christian Science is dawning upon a material age.
The great spiritual facts of being, like rays of light, shine
in the darkness, though the darkness, com-
prehending them not, may deny their reality.
The proof that the system stated in this book is Chris-
tianly scientific resides in the good this system accom-
plishes, for it cures on a divine demonstrable Principle
which all may understand.
Proof given in healing
If mathematics should present a thousand different
If mathematics should present a thousand different
examples of one rule, the proving of one example would
authenticate all the others. A simple statement of Chris-
authenticate all the others. A simple statement of Chris-
tian Science, if demonstrated by healing, contains the
proof of all here said of Christian Science. If
one of the statements in this book is true, every
one must be true, for not one departs from the stated sys-
tem and rule. You can prove for yourself, dear reader,
the Science of healing, and so ascertain if the author has
given you the correct interpretation of Scripture.
Embryonic evolution
The late Louis Agassiz, by his microscopic examination
The late Louis Agassiz, by his microscopic examination
of a vulture's ovum, strengthens the thinker's conclusions
as to the scientific theory of creation. Agassiz
was able to see in the egg the earth's atmos-
phere, the gathering clouds, the moon and stars, while the
germinating speck of so-called embryonic life seemed a
small sun. In its history of mortality, Darwin's theory
of evolution from a material basis is more consistent than
most theories. Briefly, this is Darwin's theory, – that
Mind produces its opposite, matter, and endues matter
with power to recreate the universe, including man. Ma-
terial evolution implies that the great First Cause must
become material, and afterwards must either return to
Mind or go down into dust and nothingness.
True theory of the universe
The Scriptures are very sacred. Our aim must be to
The Scriptures are very sacred. Our aim must be to
have them understood spiritually, for only by this under-
standing can truth be gained. The true the-
ory of the universe, including man, is not in
material history but in spiritual development.
Inspired thought relinquishes a material, sensual, and
mortal theory of the universe, and adopts the spiritual and
Scriptural perception
It is this spiritual perception of Scripture, which lifts
It is this spiritual perception of Scripture, which lifts
humanity out of disease and death and inspires faith.