Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter XIII - Teaching Christian Science


Blight of avarice
teaching his slight knowledge of Mind-power, – per-
haps communicating his own bad morals, and in this way
dealing pitilessly with a community unprepared for self‑
A thorough perusal of the author's publications heals
sickness. If patients sometimes seem worse while read-
ing this book, the change may either arise from the alarm
of the physician, or it may mark the crisis of the disease.
Perseverance in the perusal of the book has generally
completely healed such cases.
Exclusion of malpractice
Whoever practises the Science the author teaches,
through which Mind pours light and healing upon this
generation, can practise on no one from sin-
ister or malicious motives without destroying
his own power to heal and his own health. Good must
dominate in the thoughts of the healer, or his demon-
stration is protracted, dangerous, and impossible in Sci-
ence. A wrong motive involves defeat. In the Science
of Mind-healing, it is imperative to be honest, for victory
rests on the side of immutable right. To understand
God strengthens hope, enthrones faith in Truth, and
verifies Jesus' word: "Lo, I am with you alway, even
unto the end of the world."
Iniquity overcome
Resisting evil, you overcome it and prove its nothing-
ness. Not human platitudes, but divine beatitudes, re-
flect the spiritual light and might which heal
the sick. The exercise of will brings on a
hypnotic state, detrimental to health and integrity of
thought. This must therefore be watched and guarded
against. Covering iniquity will prevent prosperity and the
ultimate triumph of any cause. Ignorance of the error
to be eradicated oftentimes subjects you to its abuse.
No trespass on human rights
The heavenly law is broken by trespassing upon
man's individual right of self-government. We have no
authority in Christian Science and no moral
right to attempt to influence the thoughts of
others, except it be to benefit them. In men-
tal practice you must not forget that erring human opin-
ions, conflicting selfish motives, and ignorant attempts
to do good may render you incapable of knowing or
judging accurately the need of your fellow-men. There-
fore the rule is, heal the sick when called upon for aid,
and save the victims of the mental assassins.
Expose sin without believing in it
Ignorance, subtlety, or false charity does not for-
ever conceal error; evil will in time disclose and pun-
ish itself. The recuperative action of the
system, when mentally sustained by Truth,
goes on naturally. When sin or sickness –
the reverse of harmony – seems true to material sense,
impart without frightening or discouraging the pa-
tient the truth and spiritual understanding, which de-
stroy disease. Expose and denounce the claims of
evil and disease in all their forms, but realize no
reality in them. A sinner is not reformed merely
by assuring him that he cannot be a sinner because
there is no sin. To put down the claim of sin,
you must detect it, remove the mask, point out the
illusion, and thus get the victory over sin and so prove
its unreality. The sick are not healed merely by
declaring there is no sickness, but by knowing that
there is none.
Wicked evasions
A sinner is afraid to cast the first stone. He may
say, as a subterfuge, that evil is unreal, but to know it,
he must demonstrate his statement. To assume that
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