Chapter XII - Christian Science Practice
Bone-healing by surgery
that he has met his master in matter and may not be
that he has met his master in matter and may not be
able to mend the bone, increases his fear; yet this belief
should not be communicated to the patient, either ver-
bally or otherwise, for this fear greatly diminishes the
tendency towards a favorable result. Remember that the
unexpressed belief oftentimes affects a sensitive patient
more strongly than the expressed thought.
Scientific corrective
The Christian Scientist, understanding scientifically
The Christian Scientist, understanding scientifically
that all is Mind, commences with mental causation, the
truth of being, to destroy the error. This cor-
rective is an alterative, reaching to every part
of the human system. According to Scripture, it searches
"the joints and marrow," and it restores the harmony of
Coping with difficulties
The matter-physician deals with matter as both his foe
The matter-physician deals with matter as both his foe
and his remedy. He regards the ailment as weakened or
strengthened according to the evidence which
matter presents. The metaphysician, making
Mind his basis of operation irrespective of matter and
regarding the truth and harmony of being as superior to
error and discord, has rendered himself strong, instead
of weak, to cope with the case; and he proportionately
strengthens his patient with the stimulus of courage and
conscious power. Both Science and consciousness are
now at work in the economy of being according to the law
of Mind, which ultimately asserts its absolute supremacy.
Formation from thought
Ossification or any abnormal condition or derange-
Ossification or any abnormal condition or derange-
ment of the body is as directly the action of mortal
mind as is dementia or insanity. Bones have
only the substance of thought which forms
them. They are only phenomena of the mind of mor-
tals. The so-called substance of bone is formed first
by the parent's mind, through self-division. Soon the
by the parent's mind, through self-division. Soon the
child becomes a separate, individualized mortal mind,
which takes possession of itself and its own thoughts of
Accidents unknown to God
Accidents are unknown to God, or immortal Mind,
Accidents are unknown to God, or immortal Mind,
and we must leave the mortal basis of belief
and unite with the one Mind, in order to
change the notion of chance to the proper sense
of God's unerring direction and thus bring out harmony.
Opposing mentality
Under divine Providence there can be no accidents,
Under divine Providence there can be no accidents,
since there is no room for imperfection in perfection.
In medical practice objections would be raised if one
In medical practice objections would be raised if one
doctor should administer a drug to counteract the work-
ing of a remedy prescribed by another doctor.
It is equally important in metaphysical prac-
tice that the minds which surround your patient should
not act against your influence by continually expressing
such opinions as may alarm or discourage, – either by
giving antagonistic advice or through unspoken thoughts
resting on your patient. While it is certain that the
divine Mind can remove any obstacle, still you need the
ear of your auditor. It is not more difficult to make your-
self heard mentally while others are thinking about your
patients or conversing with them, if you understand
Christian Science – the oneness and the allness of divine
Love; but it is well to be alone with God and the sick
when treating disease.
Mind removes scrofula
To prevent or to cure scrofula and other so-called he-
To prevent or to cure scrofula and other so-called he-
reditary diseases, you must destroy the belief in these ills
and the faith in the possibility of their trans-
mission. The patient may tell you that he
has a humor in the blood, a scrofulous diathesis. His