Chapter VIII - Footsteps Of Truth
If Mind is not the master of sin, sickness, and death,
If Mind is not the master of sin, sickness, and death,
they are immortal, for it is already proved that mat-
ter has not destroyed them, but is their basis and
No union of opposites
We should hesitate to say that Jehovah sins or suffers;
We should hesitate to say that Jehovah sins or suffers;
but if sin and suffering are realities of being, whence did
they emanate? God made all that was made,
and Mind signifies God, – infinity, not finity.
Not far removed from infidelity is the belief which
unites such opposites as sickness and health, holiness
and unholiness, calls both the offspring of spirit, and
at the same time admits that Spirit is God, – vir-
tually declaring Him good in one instance and evil in
Self-constituted law
By universal consent, mortal belief has constituted
By universal consent, mortal belief has constituted
itself a law to bind mortals to sickness, sin, and death.
This customary belief is misnamed material
law, and the individual who upholds it is mis-
taken in theory and in practice. The so-called law of
mortal mind, conjectural and speculative, is made void
by the law of immortal Mind, and false law should be
trampled under foot.
Sickness from mortal mind
If God causes man to be sick, sickness must be good,
If God causes man to be sick, sickness must be good,
and its opposite, health, must be evil, for all that He
makes is good and will stand forever. If the
transgression of God's law produces sickness, it
is right to be sick; and we cannot if we would, and should
not if we could, annul the decrees of wisdom. It is the
transgression of a belief of mortal mind, not of a law of
matter nor of divine Mind, which causes the belief of sick-
ness. The remedy is Truth, not matter, – the truth that
disease is unreal.
If sickness is real, it belongs to immortality; if true,
If sickness is real, it belongs to immortality; if true,
it is a part of Truth. Would you attempt with drugs,
or without, to destroy a quality or condition of Truth?
But if sickness and sin are illusions, the awakening from
this mortal dream, or illusion, will bring us into health,
holiness, and immortality. This awakening is the for-
ever coming of Christ, the advanced appearing of Truth,
which casts out error and heals the sick. This is the sal-
vation which comes through God, the divine Principle,
Love, as demonstrated by Jesus.
God never inconsistent
It would be contrary to our highest ideas of God to
It would be contrary to our highest ideas of God to
suppose Him capable of first arranging law and causation
so as to bring about certain evil results, and
then punishing the helpless victims of His vo-
lition for doing what they could not avoid doing. Good
is not, cannot be, the author of experimental sins. God,
good, can no more produce sickness than goodness can
cause evil and health occasion disease.
Mental narcotics
Does wisdom make blunders which must afterwards
Does wisdom make blunders which must afterwards
be rectified by man? Does a law of God produce sick-
ness, and can man put that law under his feet
by healing sickness? According to Holy Writ,
the sick are never really healed by drugs, hygiene, or any
material method. These merely evade the question.
They are soothing syrups to put children to sleep, satisfy
mortal belief, and quiet fear.
The true healing
We think that we are healed when a disease disap-
We think that we are healed when a disease disap-
pears, though it is liable to reappear; but we are never
thoroughly healed until the liability to be
ill is removed. So-called mortal mind or the
mind of mortals being the remote, predisposing, and
the exciting cause of all suffering, the cause of disease