Chapter VII - Physiology
tisements of quackery are both prolific sources of sickness.
tisements of quackery are both prolific sources of sickness.
As mortal mind is the husbandman of error, it should be
taught to do the body no harm and to uproot its false
The invalid's outlook
The patient sufferer tries to be satisfied when he sees
The patient sufferer tries to be satisfied when he sees
his would-be healers busy, and his faith in their efforts is
somewhat helpful to them and to himself; but
in Science one must understand the resusci-
tating law of Life. This is the seed within itself bearing
fruit after its kind, spoken of in Genesis.
Physicians should not deport themselves as if Mind
Physicians should not deport themselves as if Mind
were non-existent, nor take the ground that all causation
is matter, instead of Mind. Ignorant that the human
mind governs the body, its phenomenon, the invalid may
unwittingly add more fear to the mental reservoir already
overflowing with that emotion.
Wrong and right way
Doctors should not implant disease in the thoughts of
Doctors should not implant disease in the thoughts of
their patients, as they so frequently do, by declaring dis-
ease to be a fixed fact, even before they go to
work to eradicate the disease through the ma-
terial faith which they inspire. Instead of furnishing
thought with fear, they should try to correct this turbulent
element of mortal mind by the influence of divine Love
which casteth out fear.
When man is governed by God, the ever-present
When man is governed by God, the ever-present
Mind who understands all things, man knows that with
God all things are possible. The only way to this
living Truth, which heals the sick, is found in the Science
of divine Mind as taught and demonstrated by Christ
The important decision
To reduce inflammation, dissolve a tumor, or cure or-
To reduce inflammation, dissolve a tumor, or cure or-
ganic disease, I have found divine Truth more potent than
all lower remedies. And why not, since Mind, God, is
all lower remedies. And why not, since Mind, God, is
the source and condition of all existence? Before decid-
ing that the body, matter, is disordered, one
should ask, "Who art thou that repliest to
Spirit? Can matter speak for itself, or does
it hold the issues of life?" Matter, which can neither
suffer nor enjoy, has no partnership with pain and pleas-
ure, but mortal belief has such a partnership.
Manipulation unscientific
When you manipulate patients, you trust in electricity
When you manipulate patients, you trust in electricity
and magnetism more than in Truth; and for
that reason, you employ matter rather than
Mind. You weaken or destroy your power when you re-
sort to any except spiritual means.
It is foolish to declare that you manipulate patients but
It is foolish to declare that you manipulate patients but
that you lay no stress on manipulation. If this be so, why
manipulate? In reality you manipulate because you are
ignorant of the baneful effects of magnetism, or are not
sufficiently spiritual to depend on Spirit. In either case
you must improve your mental condition till you finally
attain the understanding of Christian Science.
Not words but deeds
If you are too material to love the Science of Mind and
If you are too material to love the Science of Mind and
are satisfied with good words instead of effects, if you
adhere to error and are afraid to trust Truth,
the question then recurs, "Adam, where art
thou?" It is unnecessary to resort to aught besides
Mind in order to satisfy the sick that you are doing some-
thing for them, for if they are cured, they generally know
it and are satisfied.
"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
If you have more faith in drugs than in Truth, this faith
will incline you to the side of matter and error. Any
hypnotic power you may exercise will diminish your