Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter XII - Christian Science Practice


Sin a form of insanity
Every sort of sickness is error, – that is, sickness is
loss of harmony. This view is not altered by the fact
that sin is worse than sickness, and sickness is not ac-
knowledged nor discovered to be error by many who are
There is a universal insanity of so-called health, which
mistakes fable for fact throughout the entire round of the
material senses, but this general craze cannot, in a scien-
tific diagnosis, shield the individual case from the special
name of insanity. Those unfortunate people who are
committed to insane asylums are only so many distinctly
defined instances of the baneful effects of illusion on mor-
tal minds and bodies.
Drugs and brain-lobes
The supposition that we can correct insanity by the use
of purgatives and narcotics is in itself a mild species of
insanity. Can drugs go of their own accord
to the brain and destroy the so-called inflam-
mation of disordered functions, thus reaching mortal
mind through matter? Drugs do not affect a corpse, and
Truth does not distribute drugs through the blood, and
from them derive a supposed effect on intelligence and sen-
timent. A dislocation of the tarsal joint would produce
insanity as perceptibly as would congestion of the brain,
were it not that mortal mind thinks that the tarsal joint is
less intimately connected with the mind than is the brain.
Reverse the belief, and the results would be perceptibly
Matter and animate error
The unconscious thought in the corporeal substra-
tum of brain produces no effect, and that condition of
the body which we call sensation in matter
is unreal. Mortal mind is ignorant of it-
self, – ignorant of the errors it includes and of their
effects. Intelligent matter is an impossibility. You
may say: "But if disease obtains in matter, why do
you insist that disease is formed by mortal mind and
not by matter?" Mortal mind and body combine as
one, and the nearer matter approaches its final state-
ment, – animate error called nerves, brain, mind, – the
more prolific it is likely to become in sin and disease-
Dictation of error
Unconscious mortal mind – alias matter, brain – can-
not dictate terms to consciousness nor say, "I am sick."
The belief, that the unconscious substratum
of mortal mind, termed the body, suffers and
reports disease independently of this so-called conscious
mind, is the error which prevents mortals from knowing
how to govern their bodies.
So-called superiority
The so-called conscious mortal mind is believed to be
superior to its unconscious substratum, matter, and
the stronger never yields to the weaker, ex-
cept through fear or choice. The animate
should be governed by God alone. The real man is
spiritual and immortal, but the mortal and imperfect
so-called "children of men" are counterfeits from the
beginning, to be laid aside for the pure reality. This
mortal is put off, and the new man or real man is put
on, in proportion as mortals realize the Science of man
and seek the true model.
Death no benefactor
We have no right to say that life depends on matter
now, but will not depend on it after death. We cannot
spend our days here in ignorance of the Science
of Life, and expect to find beyond the grave
a reward for this ignorance. Death will not make us
harmonious and immortal as a recompense for ignorance.
If here we give no heed to Christian Science, which is
spiritual and eternal, we shall not be ready for spiritual
Life hereafter.
Life eternal and present
"This is life eternal," says Jesus, – is, not shall be;
and then he defines everlasting life as a present knowledge
of his Father and of himself, – the knowledge
of Love, Truth, and Life. "This is life eter-
nal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and
Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent." The Scriptures
say, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every
word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God," show-
ing that Truth is the actual life of man; but mankind
objects to making this teaching practical.
Love casteth out fear
Every trial of our faith in God makes us stronger.
The more difficult seems the material condition to be
overcome by Spirit, the stronger should be our
faith and the purer our love. The Apostle
John says: "There is no fear in Love, but perfect Love
casteth out fear. . . . He that feareth is not made per-
fect in Love." Here is a definite and inspired proclama-
tion of Christian Science.
Be not afraid
The Science of mental practice is susceptible of no
misuse. Selfishness does not appear in the practice of
Truth or Christian Science. If mental prac-
tice is abused or is used in any way except to
promote right thinking and doing, the power to heal
mentally will diminish, until the practitioner's healing
ability is wholly lost. Christian scientific practice be-
gins with Christ's keynote of harmony, "Be not afraid!"
Said Job: "The thing which I greatly feared is come
upon me."
Naming diseases
My first discovery in the student's practice was this:
If the student silently called the disease by name, when
he argued against it, as a general rule the body
would respond more quickly, – just as a per-
son replies more readily when his name is spoken; but
this was because the student was not perfectly attuned to
divine Science, and needed the arguments of truth for
reminders. If Spirit or the power of divine Love bear
witness to the truth, this is the ultimatum, the scientific
way, and the healing is instantaneous.
Evils cast out
It is recorded that once Jesus asked the name of a dis-
ease, – a disease which moderns would call dementia.
The demon, or evil, replied that his name was
Legion. Thereupon Jesus cast out the evil,
and the insane man was changed and straightway be-
came whole. The Scripture seems to import that Jesus
caused the evil to be self-seen and so destroyed.
Fear as the foundation
The procuring cause and foundation of all sickness is
fear, ignorance, or sin. Disease is always induced by a
false sense mentally entertained, not destroyed.
Disease is an image of thought externalized.
The mental state is called a material state. Whatever
is cherished in mortal mind as the physical condition is
imaged forth on the body.
Unspoken pleading
Always begin your treatment by allaying the fear
of patients. Silently reassure them as to their exemp-
tion from disease and danger. Watch the re-
sult of this simple rule of Christian Science,
and you will find that it alleviates the symptoms of every
disease. If you succeed in wholly removing the fear,
your patient is healed. The great fact that God lovingly
governs all, never punishing aught but sin, is your stand-
point, from which to advance and destroy the human fear
of sickness. Mentally and silently plead the case scien-
tifically for Truth. You may vary the arguments to meet
the peculiar or general symptoms of the case you treat,
but be thoroughly persuaded in your own mind concern-
ing the truth which you think or speak, and you will be
the victor.
Eloquent silence
You may call the disease by name when you mentally
deny it; but by naming it audibly, you are liable under
some circumstances to impress it upon the
thought. The power of Christian Science and
divine Love is omnipotent. It is indeed adequate to un-
clasp the hold and to destroy disease, sin, and death.
Insistence requisite
To prevent disease or to cure it, the power of Truth,
of divine Spirit, must break the dream of the material
senses. To heal by argument, find the type
of the ailment, get its name, and array your
mental plea against the physical. Argue at first men-
tally, not audibly, that the patient has no disease, and
conform the argument so as to destroy the evidence of
disease. Mentally insist that harmony is the fact, and
that sickness is a temporal dream. Realize the presence
of health and the fact of harmonious being, until the
body corresponds with the normal conditions of health
and harmony.
The cure of infants
If the case is that of a young child or an infant, it needs
to be met mainly through the parent's thought, silently
or audibly on the aforesaid basis of Christian
Science. The Scientist knows that there can
be no hereditary disease, since matter is not intelligent
and cannot transmit good or evil intelligence to man, and
God, the only Mind, does not produce pain in matter.
The act of yielding one's thoughts to the undue contem-
plation of physical wants or conditions induces those very
conditions. A single requirement, beyond what is neces-
sary to meet the simplest needs of the babe is harmful.
Mind regulates the condition of the stomach, bowels, and
food, the temperature of children and of men, and matter
does not. The wise or unwise views of parents and other
persons on these subjects produce good or bad effects on
the health of children.
Ablutions for cleanliness
The daily ablutions of an infant are no more natural
nor necessary than would be the process of taking a fish
out of water every day and covering it with dirt
in order to make it thrive more vigorously in its
own element. "Cleanliness is next to godliness," but
washing should be only for the purpose of keeping the
body clean, and this can be effected without scrubbing the
whole surface daily. Water is not the natural habitat of
humanity. I insist on bodily cleanliness within and with-
out. I am not patient with a speck of dirt; but in caring
for an infant one need not wash his little body all over each
day in order to keep it sweet as the new-blown flower.
Juvenile ailments
Giving drugs to infants, noticing every symptom of
flatulency, and constantly directing the mind to such
signs, – that mind being laden with illusions
about disease, health-laws, and death, – these
actions convey mental images to children's budding
thoughts, and often stamp them there, making it probable
at any time that such ills may be reproduced in the very
ailments feared. A child may have worms, if you say so,
or any other malady, timorously held in the beliefs con-
cerning his body. Thus are laid the foundations of the
belief in disease and death, and thus are children educated
into discord.
Cure of insanity
The treatment of insanity is especially interesting.
However obstinate the case, it yields more readily than
do most diseases to the salutary action of
truth, which counteracts error. The argu-
ments to be used in curing insanity are the same as in
other diseases: namely, the impossibility that matter,
brain, can control or derange mind, can suffer or cause
suffering; also the fact that truth and love will establish
a healthy state, guide and govern mortal mind or the
thought of the patient, and destroy all error, whether it is
called dementia, hatred, or any other discord.
To fix truth steadfastly in your patients' thoughts, ex-
plain Christian Science to them, but not too soon, – not
until your patients are prepared for the explanation, –
lest you array the sick against their own interests by troub-
ling and perplexing their thought. The Christian Scien-
tist's argument rests on the Christianly scientific basis of
being. The Scripture declares, "The Lord He is God
[good]; there is none else beside Him." Even so, harmony
is universal, and discord is unreal. Christian Science de-
clares that Mind is substance, also that matter neither
feels, suffers, nor enjoys. Hold these points strongly in
view. Keep in mind the verity of being, – that man is
the image and likeness of God, in whom all being is
painless and permanent. Remember that man's perfec-
tion is real and unimpeachable, whereas imperfection is
blameworthy, unreal, and is not brought about by divine
Matter is not inflamed
Matter cannot be inflamed. Inflammation is fear, an
excited state of mortals which is not normal. Immor-
tal Mind is the only cause; therefore disease is neither a
cause nor an effect. Mind in every case is the
eternal God, good. Sin, disease, and death
have no foundations in Truth. Inflamation as a mor-
tal belief quickens or impedes the action of the system,
because thought moves quickly or slowly, leaps or halts
when it contemplates unpleasant things, or when the in-
dividual looks upon some object which he dreads. In-
flammation never appears in a part which mortal thought
does not reach. That is why opiates relieve inflammation.
They quiet the thought by inducing stupefaction and by
resorting to matter instead of to Mind. Opiates do not
remove the pain in any scientific sense. They only ren-
der mortal mind temporarily less fearful, till it can master
an erroneous belief.
Truth calms the thought
Note how thought makes the face pallid. It either re-
tards the circulation or quickens it, causing a pale or
flushed cheek. In the same way thought in-
creases or diminishes the secretions, the action
of the lungs, of the bowels, and of the heart. The mus-
cles, moving quickly or slowly and impelled or palsied by
thought, represent the action of all the organs of the hu-
man system, including brain and viscera. To remove
the error producing disorder, you must calm and instruct
mortal mind with immortal Truth.
Effects of etherization
Etherization will apparently cause the body to dis-
appear. Before the thoughts are fully at rest, the limbs
will vanish from consciousness. Indeed, the
whole frame will sink from sight along with
surrounding objects, leaving the pain standing forth as
distinctly as a mountain-peak, as if it were a separate
bodily member. At last the agony also vanishes. This
process shows the pain to be in the mind, for the inflam-
mation is not suppressed; and the belief of pain will
presently return, unless the mental image occasioning
the pain be removed by recognizing the truth of being.
Sedatives valueless
A hypodermic injection of morphine is administered
to a patient, and in twenty minutes the sufferer is qui-
etly asleep. To him there is no longer any
pain. Yet any physician – allopathic, homoe-
opathic, botanic, eclectic – will tell you that the trouble-
some material cause is unremoved, and that when the
soporific influence of the opium is exhausted, the pa-
tient will find himself in the same pain, unless the belief
which occasions the pain has meanwhile been changed.
Where is the pain while the patient sleeps?
The so-called physical ego
The material body, which you call me, is mortal mind,
and this mind is material in sensation, even as the body,
which has originated from this material sense
and been developed according to it, is mate-
rial. This materialism of parent and child is only in
mortal mind, as the dead body proves; for when the
mortal has resigned his body to dust, the body is no
longer the parent, even in appearance.
Evil thought depletes
The sick know nothing of the mental process by
which they are depleted, and next to nothing of the
metaphysical method by which they can be
healed. If they ask about their disease, tell
them only what is best for them to know. Assure them
that they think too much about their ailments, and
have already heard too much on that subject. Turn
their thoughts away from their bodies to higher ob-
jects. Teach them that their being is sustained by
Spirit, not by matter, and that they find health, peace,
and harmony in God, divine Love.
Helpful encouragement
Give sick people credit for sometimes knowing more
than their doctors. Always support their trust in the
power of Mind to sustain the body. Never
tell the sick that they have more courage
than strength. Tell them rather, that their strength
is in proportion to their courage. If you make the sick
realize this great truism, there will be no reaction from
over-exertion or from excited conditions. Maintain
the facts of Christian Science, – that Spirit is God, and
therefore cannot be sick; that what is termed matter
cannot be sick; that all causation is Mind, acting
through spiritual law. Then hold your ground with
the unshaken understanding of Truth and Love, and
you will win. When you silence the witness against your
plea, you destroy the evidence, for the disease disap-
pears. The evidence before the corporeal senses is not
the Science of immortal man.
Disease to be made unreal
To the Christian Science healer, sickness is a dream
from which the patient needs to be awakened. Dis-
ease should not appear real to the physician,
since it is demonstrable that the way to
cure the patient is to make disease unreal to him. To
do this, the physician must understand the unreality
of disease in Science.
Explain audibly to your patients, as soon as they can
bear it, the complete control which Mind holds over the
body. Show them how mortal mind seems to induce
disease by certain fears and false conclusions, and how
divine Mind can cure by opposite thoughts. Give your
patients an underlying understanding to support them
and to shield them from the baneful effects of their own
conclusions. Show them that the conquest over sickness,
as well as over sin, depends on mentally destroying all
belief in material pleasure or pain.
Christian pleading
Stick to the truth of being in contradistinction to the
error that life, substance, or intelligence can be in matter.
Plead with an honest conviction of truth and
a clear perception of the unchanging, unerr-
ing, and certain effect of divine Science. Then, if your
fidelity is half equal to the truth of your plea, you will
heal the sick.
Truthful arguments
It must be clear to you that sickness is no more
the reality of being than is sin. This mortal dream
of sickness, sin, and death should cease
through Christian Science. Then one dis-
ease would be as readily destroyed as another. What-
ever the belief is, if arguments are used to destroy it,
the belief must be repudiated, and the negation must ex-
tend to the supposed disease and to whatever decides its
type and symptoms. Truth is affirmative, and confers
harmony. All metaphysical logic is inspired by this sim-
ple rule of Truth, which governs all reality. By the
truthful arguments you employ, and especially by the
spirit of Truth and Love which you entertain, you will
heal the sick.
Morality required
Include moral as well as physical belief in your efforts
to destroy error. Cast out all manner of evil. "Preach
the gospel to every creature." Speak the
truth to every form of error. Tumors, ulcers,
tubercles, inflammation, pain, deformed joints, are wak-
ing dream-shadows, dark images of mortal thought, which
flee before the light of Truth.
A moral question may hinder the recovery of the sick.
Lurking error, lust, envy, revenge, malice, or hate will
perpetuate or even create the belief in disease. Errors
of all sorts tend in this direction. Your true course is
to destroy the foe, and leave the field to God, Life, Truth,
and Love, remembering that God and His ideas alone
are real and harmonious.
Relapse unnecessary
If your patient from any cause suffers a relapse, meet
the cause mentally and courageously, knowing that
there can be no reaction in Truth. Neither
disease itself, sin, nor fear has the power to
cause disease or a relapse. Disease has no intelligence
with which to move itself about or to change itself from
one form to another. If disease moves, mind, not mat-
ter, moves it; therefore be sure that you move it off.
Meet every adverse circumstance as its master. Ob-
serve mind instead of body, lest aught unfit for develop-
ment enter thought. Think less of material conditions
and more of spiritual.
Conquer beliefs and fears
Mind produces all action. If the action proceeds from
Truth, from immortal Mind, there is harmony; but mor-
tal mind is liable to any phase of belief. A
relapse cannot in reality occur in mortals or
so-called mortal minds, for there is but one
Mind, one God. Never fear the mental malpractitioner,
the mental assassin, who, in attempting to rule mankind,
tramples upon the divine Principle of metaphysics, for God
is the only power. To succeed in healing, you must con-
quer your own fears as well as those of your patients, and
rise into higher and holier consciousness.
True government of man
If it is found necessary to treat against relapse, know
that disease or its symptoms cannot change forms, nor
go from one part to another, for Truth destroys disease.
There is no metastasis, no stoppage of harmonious
action, no paralysis. Truth not error, Love
not hate, Spirit not matter, governs man. If
students do not readily heal themselves, they should
early call an experienced Christian Scientist to aid
them. If they are unwilling to do this for themselves,
they need only to know that error cannot produce this
unnatural reluctance.
Positive reassurance
Instruct the sick that they are not helpless victims,
for if they will only accept Truth, they can resist disease
and ward it off, as positively as they can the
temptation to sin. This fact of Christian Sci-
ence should be explained to invalids when they are in a
fit mood to receive it, – when they will not array them-
selves against it, but are ready to become receptive to the
new idea. The fact that Truth overcomes both disease
and sin reassures depressed hope. It imparts a healthy
stimulus to the body, and regulates the system. It in-
creases or diminishes the action, as the case may require,
better than any drug, alterative, or tonic.
Proper stimulus
Mind is the natural stimulus of the body, but erro-
neous belief, taken at its best, is not promotive of health
or happiness. Tell the sick that they can
meet disease fearlessly, if they only realize
that divine Love gives them all power over every physical
action and condition.
Awaken the patient
If it becomes necessary to startle mortal mind to break
its dream of suffering, vehemently tell your patient that
he must awake. Turn his gaze from the false
evidence of the senses to the harmonious facts
of Soul and immortal being. Tell him that he suffers
only as the insane suffer, from false beliefs. The only
difference is, that insanity implies belief in a diseased
brain, while physical ailments (so-called) arise from the
belief that other portions of the body are deranged. De-
rangement, or disarrangement, is a word which conveys
the true definition of all human belief in ill-health, or dis-
turbed harmony. Should you thus startle mortal mind
in order to remove its beliefs, afterwards make known
to the patient your motive for this shock, showing him
that it was to facilitate recovery.
How to treat a crisis
If a crisis occurs in your treatment, you must treat
the patient less for the disease and more for the mental
disturbance or fermentation, and subdue the
symptoms by removing the belief that this
chemicalization produces pain or disease. Insist vehe-
mently on the great fact which covers the whole ground,
that God, Spirit, is all, and that there is none beside
Him. There is no disease. When the supposed suffer-
ing is gone from mortal mind, there can be no pain; and
when the fear is destroyed, the inflammation will sub-
side. Calm the excitement sometimes induced by chemi-
calization, which is the alterative effect produced by
Truth upon error, and sometimes explain the symptoms
and their cause to the patient.
No perversion of Mind-science
It is no more Christianly scientific to see disease than
it is to experience it. If you would destroy the sense
of disease, you should not build it up by
wishing to see the forms it assumes or by
employing a single material application for
its relief. The perversion of Mind-science is like as-
serting that the products of eight multiplied by five, and
of seven by ten, are both forty, and that their combined
sum is fifty, and then calling the process mathematics.
Wiser than his persecutors, Jesus said: "If I by Beelze-
bub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them
Effect of this book
If the reader of this book observes a great stir through-
out his whole system, and certain moral and physical
symptoms seem aggravated, these indications
are favorable. Continue to read, and the book
will become the physician, allaying the tremor which
Truth often brings to error when destroying it.
Disease neutralized
Patients, unfamiliar with the cause of this commotion
and ignorant that it is a favorable omen, may be alarmed.
If such be the case, explain to them the law
of this action. As when an acid and alkali
meet and bring out a third quality, so mental and moral
chemistry changes the material base of thought, giving
more spirituality to consciousness and causing it to depend
less on material evidence. These changes which go on
in mortal mind serve to reconstruct the body. Thus
Christian Science, by the alchemy of Spirit, destroys sin
and death.
Bone-healing by surgery
Let us suppose two parallel cases of bone-disease, both
similarly produced and attended by the same symptoms.
A surgeon is employed in one case, and a
Christian Scientist in the other. The sur-
geon, holding that matter forms its own conditions and
renders them fatal at certain points, entertains fears and
doubts as to the ultimate outcome of the injury. Not
holding the reins of government in his own hands, he
believes that something stronger than Mind – namely,
matter – governs the case. His treatment is therefore
tentative. This mental state invites defeat. The belief
that he has met his master in matter and may not be
able to mend the bone, increases his fear; yet this belief
should not be communicated to the patient, either ver-
bally or otherwise, for this fear greatly diminishes the
tendency towards a favorable result. Remember that the
unexpressed belief oftentimes affects a sensitive patient
more strongly than the expressed thought.
Scientific corrective
The Christian Scientist, understanding scientifically
that all is Mind, commences with mental causation, the
truth of being, to destroy the error. This cor-
rective is an alterative, reaching to every part
of the human system. According to Scripture, it searches
"the joints and marrow," and it restores the harmony of
Coping with difficulties
The matter-physician deals with matter as both his foe
and his remedy. He regards the ailment as weakened or
strengthened according to the evidence which
matter presents. The metaphysician, making
Mind his basis of operation irrespective of matter and
regarding the truth and harmony of being as superior to
error and discord, has rendered himself strong, instead
of weak, to cope with the case; and he proportionately
strengthens his patient with the stimulus of courage and
conscious power. Both Science and consciousness are
now at work in the economy of being according to the law
of Mind, which ultimately asserts its absolute supremacy.
Formation from thought
Ossification or any abnormal condition or derange-
ment of the body is as directly the action of mortal
mind as is dementia or insanity. Bones have
only the substance of thought which forms
them. They are only phenomena of the mind of mor-
tals. The so-called substance of bone is formed first
by the parent's mind, through self-division. Soon the
child becomes a separate, individualized mortal mind,
which takes possession of itself and its own thoughts of
Accidents unknown to God
Accidents are unknown to God, or immortal Mind,
and we must leave the mortal basis of belief
and unite with the one Mind, in order to
change the notion of chance to the proper sense
of God's unerring direction and thus bring out harmony.
Opposing mentality
Under divine Providence there can be no accidents,
since there is no room for imperfection in perfection.
In medical practice objections would be raised if one
doctor should administer a drug to counteract the work-
ing of a remedy prescribed by another doctor.
It is equally important in metaphysical prac-
tice that the minds which surround your patient should
not act against your influence by continually expressing
such opinions as may alarm or discourage, – either by
giving antagonistic advice or through unspoken thoughts
resting on your patient. While it is certain that the
divine Mind can remove any obstacle, still you need the
ear of your auditor. It is not more difficult to make your-
self heard mentally while others are thinking about your
patients or conversing with them, if you understand
Christian Science – the oneness and the allness of divine
Love; but it is well to be alone with God and the sick
when treating disease.
Mind removes scrofula
To prevent or to cure scrofula and other so-called he-
reditary diseases, you must destroy the belief in these ills
and the faith in the possibility of their trans-
mission. The patient may tell you that he
has a humor in the blood, a scrofulous diathesis. His
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