Chapter XVIII - Fruitage
had not read fifty pages before I felt I had indeed found
had not read fifty pages before I felt I had indeed found
the truth which makes free, and can truly say, from that
time I have never had a return of the ailment.
That for which I am, however, most grateful, is the
That for which I am, however, most grateful, is the
daily help it is to me in my household of young chil-
dren. I am sure if mothers only knew what Christian
Science truly means they would give all they possess
to know it. We have seen croup, measles, fever, and
various other children's complaints, so-called, disappear
like dew before the morning sun, through the applica-
tion of Christian Science, – the understanding of God
as ever-present and omnipotent. It has been proven
to me without a doubt that God is a very present help in
trouble, and what a blessed help this wonderful truth is
in the training of our children, and how quickly the child
grasps it.
Some time ago my little girl, then three years old,
Some time ago my little girl, then three years old,
dislocated her shoulder. I was alone in the house at
the time. The pain was so intense that she became
faint. I treated her the best I knew how, but kept
holding the thought that just as soon as some one came
I would run for help. She seemed to grow worse and
cried very much. I undressed her and tried to twist
the arm into place, but it caused such suffering that I
began to get afraid. Then like a flash came the thought,
What would you do if you were out of the reach of a prac-
titioner? Now is your time to prove God's power and
presence. With these thoughts came such a sense of
calm and trustfulness that I lost all fear. I then asked
the child if I should read to her; she said "Yes, mamma,
read the truth-book." I began reading aloud to her
from Science and Health. In about half an hour I noticed