Chapter XVIII - Fruitage
able to walk or stand alone. Later, a growing weakness
able to walk or stand alone. Later, a growing weakness
of the back accompanied with sharp pains alarmed my
parents, who called a physician, and he pronounced it
spinal trouble. Then followed nearly twenty years of
increased suffering, at times very severe. As years went
by and I became a wife and mother, my suffering in-
creased. Everything that medical skill could do was
done, but finding no lasting benefit from anything, I lost
hope of recovery.
When Christian Science found me I was under the
When Christian Science found me I was under the
doctor's sentence that if I lived the week through I would
become entirely helpless, not able to move hand or foot.
My husband was a travelling man, and being urgently
called home, he met an old friend on the train who asked
why we did not try Christian Science. The reply, We
know nothing of it, was followed by a brief explanation
of its healing power and the benefit his family had re-
ceived. This inspired my husband with new hope, and
on his arrival at home he called on a practitioner, who
recommended our getting Science and Health, which we
did, but ignorance and the prejudice of old education
produced such fear that I hid the book under the covers
of the bed whenever the children came into the room,
fearing that it was not of God and would injure them.
God's dear love was, however, more potent than these
foolish fears, and the first day I read from its sacred pages
I was convinced its teachings were the same truths as
Jesus Christ had taught centuries ago. When I had read
a few pages, I reached out and threw my medicine from the
open window at the head of my bed. I then turned back to
the book and began reading again, when, lo, the Christ-idea
dawned upon me, and I was healed instantaneously.