Chapter XVIII - Fruitage
there are those to whom this does not particularly appeal.
there are those to whom this does not particularly appeal.
In the hope that it may be of benefit to some such, and in
gratitude for help received, I submit my own experience.
Three years ago I knew nothing of Christian Science, aside
from the knowledge gathered from the daily papers and
current literature. When I thought of the subject at all,
it was to class Christian Science with various human the-
ories with which I could not be in sympathy, for they
seemed to rely upon both good and evil. I had never
known of a case of healing, had never read the textbook
or heard of the Journal or Sentinel, but I would sometimes
see people going into the Christian Science church. I was
tired of trying to find anything satisfactory in religious
belief, for it seemed as if God either could not or would
not bring into harmony the terrible conditions existing in
human society. I had quit using any form of prayer ex-
cept the Lord's Prayer, and even then omitted the words
"lead us not into temptation." How I longed to know
just a little of the "why?" and "wherefore?" of it all.
Here is where Christian Science found me. I was
Here is where Christian Science found me. I was
thrown in contact with a dear friend of whom I had seen
very little for a year or more, a thoroughly educated woman
and a thinker. She told me she had taken some treatments
in Christian Science for a physical trouble, and had be-
come very much interested in the study of "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. She
asked me if I would like to look at the book, and I said I
I would be glad to do so. The first chapter, "Prayer,"
appealed to me from the first, and when I came to Mrs.
Eddy's spiritual sense of the Lord's Prayer (Science and
Health, p. 17), my interest was fully aroused. I knew
that in a dim way I was learning what it means to "pray