Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter XVIII - Fruitage


of spiritual understanding, until I know that my mind is
renewed, because the action is changed and the inflam-
mation has abated.
Thus in my experience in Christian Science, I have seen
the transformation begun, and Truth is able to perfect
that which is begun in me so gloriously. – Mrs. C.A.
McL., Brooklyn, Nova Scotia.
For fifteen years I was a great sufferer physically and
mentally. Eminent physicians treated me for hereditary
consumption, torpid liver, and many other diseases. I
sought relief at famous springs, the ozone of Florida, and
the pure air of Colorado, but in vain. My life was one
ceaseless torture.
During all this time, however, I was an earnest seeker
after Truth. I examined every religious teaching with
a calm and unprejudiced attention. From an orthodox
Protestant I became a skeptic, and a follower of Voltaire,
Tom Paine, and Ingersoll; yet all the while I retained
faith in a supreme intelligent Being who made all. Sick,
weary, doubting, and despairing, I accidentally went into
a Christian Science church in New York City, on a Wed-
nesday evening, not knowing what kind of a place it was.
Seeing a large number of people going into the build-
ing, I followed, supposing that a marriage ceremony
had attracted the crowd. Being informed it was their
regular Wednesday evening service, I inquired as to the
denomination. I concluded that it was another new fad,
but after investigation I procured a copy of Science and
Health, promising I would read it carefully. I began
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