Chapter XVIII - Fruitage
placed in my hands. After reading a few pages, I be-
placed in my hands. After reading a few pages, I be-
came very much impressed with the truth therein stated,
and although I was surrounded with opposition, I knew
that "underneath are the everlasting arms." Since that
time – past the middle of the year 1899 – I have kept
pressing on, until I have been healed by reading Science
and Health. At times I was beset by what seemed un-
conquerable opposition, until the first week in October,
1904, when, upon going to my home in Darien for a visit,
I was given my liberty, and I am now earning my living
in this city. After having been subject to epileptic at-
tacks since 1892, and at one time pronounced dying
by the doctor in charge, I am now well. I have had no
fit, or symptoms of any, since the first week in May,
I trust that this testimony to the healing power of Truth,
I trust that this testimony to the healing power of Truth,
realized by reading Science and Health (for I had no treat-
ment), may reach the eye of some to whom the battle
seems long, and inspire them with fresh courage and a
realization of the worth of the victory. I am filled with
inexpressible gratitude and love to God, and to Mrs.
Eddy. – Mrs. B. B. C., Stamford, Conn.
I have felt for some time I should give my experience
I have felt for some time I should give my experience
in mental surgery. In May, 1902, going home for
lunch, on a bicycle, and while riding down a hill at a
rapid gait, I was thrown from the wheel, and falling
on my left side with my arm under my head, the bone
was broken about half-way between the shoulder and
elbow. While the pain was intense, I lay still in the dust,