Chapter XVIII - Fruitage
and Health. The promise of Christ Jesus, "the truth
and Health. The promise of Christ Jesus, "the truth
shall make you free," was fulfilled, and the past six years
of health and harmony have been spent in striving to
"hold fast that which is good."
While most grateful for the physical healing, my grati-
While most grateful for the physical healing, my grati-
tude for the mental and spiritual regeneration is beyond
expression. When I learned that Jesus' mission of heal-
ing sickness as well as sin did not end with his short stay
upon earth, but is practical in all ages, my joy was un-
bounded. Having spent thousands in the old way, it
seemed wonderful to be healed at such small cost as the
price of the "little book" and a few weeks' study. Every
thought of prejudice immediately vanished before the
proofs that Christian Science is indeed the elucidation
and practical application of Jesus' teachings, which are
demonstrable truth, "The same yesterday, and to-day,
and forever." – C. N. C., Memphis, Tenn.
As a mother of a family my heart goes out in love and
As a mother of a family my heart goes out in love and
gratitude to that good woman we are privileged to call
our Leader, for all she has done through her book for me
and mine.
Ten years ago I was healed of hereditary deafness and
Ten years ago I was healed of hereditary deafness and
catarrh of the head, simply through reading the book,
Science and Health. For years previous I had consulted
and taken treatment from some of the best specialists
for the ear and throat, both in England and America,
but grew worse all the time. I was then urged by a lady
who had been healed through Christian Science to buy
this book and study it. I did so very reluctantly, but