Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter XVIII - Fruitage


specialists, as a most extreme one. Many, upon looking
at me, would turn away with a wise shake of the head
and say, "What keeps her alive?" My physicians, who
were exceedingly kind and did all that lay within their
power for me, gave me up and the death sentence was
pronounced on me by all who attended me.
It was then I realized that "man's extremity is God's
opportunity." The "little book" was handed me at this
hour of great need. I read it, not thinking it would heal
me, but, like a drowning man, I grasped at it. I read it,
read it again, and soon found myself growing stronger;
then I kept on reading and was perfectly healed of all the
supposedly incurable diseases. – L. B., Austin, Minn.
As the son of a physician, a graduate in pharmacy,
and an ex-druggist, I had a perfect contempt for what
I thought Christian Science to be. About six and a half
years ago, however, having exhausted all material means
at my command, – materia medica, electricity, gym-
nastics, cycling, and so on, – and being in a hopeless
state, the study of Christian Science was taken up. I
had been a sufferer from catarrh and sore throat for over
thirty years, and in the last five were added several others,
including dyspepsia, and bronchitis, and a loss in flesh of
sixty pounds. I was completely healed, and regained
health, strength, and flesh through the spiritual under-
standing of Christian Science, the result of about six
weeks' study. This good and perfect gift came to me
through the careful and prayerful study of Christian
Science, as revealed to the world to-day through Science
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