Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter XVIII - Fruitage


through Christian Science, as it is now more than six
years since I was entirely healed of dyspepsia as well as
constipation in its worst form by the reading of Science
and Health. So aggravated were the conditions that for
three years or more I was unable to drink a glass of cold
water. Everything that I drank had to be hot, and my
only means of relief from the bowel trouble was hot water
injections, for a period of more than three years.
I can truthfully say that I was permanently, and I might
say instantly, healed of those two ailments by reading
Science and Health as before stated, and in fact I do not
think I had read more than thirty pages of this book when
I ignored entirely the most rigid kind of diet. I ate and
drank everything I wished without a single harmful effect
from that time to this date, and there has not been a drop
of medicine in our home for more than six years, in a fam-
ily of five.
I have also seen the power of Truth manifested in our
home by having our youngest child relieved of the most
excruciating pain, and changed to his most playful mood,
immediately upon notifying one of the faithful practi-
tioners of this city. For all this I am endeavoring to be
thankful to God and to our faithful Leader, Mrs. Eddy,
whose pure and undefiled life enabled her to discover this
precious truth for the benefit of all mankind. – M. C.
McK., Denver, Col.
From early girlhood I was considered an invalid, hav-
ing been injured by a hard fall while playing. The pain
was intense for some time and for several hours I was un-
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