Chapter XVIII - Fruitage
gentleman took a book from its bookcase saying, "Here
gentleman took a book from its bookcase saying, "Here
is a work on Christian Science." It proved to be Science
and Health. I knew as soon as I had read the title-page
that this was the very book we wanted. We immediately
sent for the book, and when it arrived we obeyed the angel
and feasted on it. I was very much prejudiced against
the Bible, and my first demonstration over self was to
consent to read the four Gospels. My wife bought me a
New Testament and I began to read it. What a change
came over me! All my prejudice was gone in an instant!
When I read the Master's words, I caught his meaning
and the lesson he tried to convey. It was not difficult for
me to accept the whole Bible, for I could not help myself,
I was just captured. The disease with which I had been
troubled for years tormented me worse than ever for
about six months, as if trying to turn me aside; but I lost
all fear of it.
I kept up my study of Science and Health and the dis-
I kept up my study of Science and Health and the dis-
ease disappeared. I can honestly say that Science and
Health was my only healer, and it has been my only
teacher. – R. A. C., Los Angeles, Cal.
Christian Science came to me when I was a wreck, my
Christian Science came to me when I was a wreck, my
body being completely covered with sores. My eyes were
very bad, so that I sat in a darkened room for weeks to-
gether, most of the time in bed under opiates. The home
doctor and a specialist said the disease of the eyes could not
be cured, though they might help me for a while. I had
one operation, and the doctor said if I took cold I would
become totally blind. My suffering was beyond telling.