Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter XVIII - Fruitage


gone to the mountains, but could not stay there on account
of the altitude; and when they did not know what else
to do, they said we would better go to England – that
the ocean air would be beneficial. So we spent three
months in the British Isles, and when I came back I
seemed much better, but this only lasted a short time.
In little more than a month I was worse than ever, and
my mother was told that I had but a few weeks, or at
most months, to live.
At that time, a lady, a stranger to us, suggested that
we try Christian Science. There was no prejudice against
it, as we did not even know what it was. We knew of
no Scientists in the Western town where we were living,
and when we were told that we could send to Kansas City
for absent treatment, we thought it was absurd. We were
then told that many people had been healed through the
reading of the Christian Science textbook, Science and
Health, and to us this seemed a little worse than the
absent treatment, but as we had tried everything we
had heard of up to that time, my mother sent for the
It came in the middle of October and we began to read
it together. It seemed to me from the first that it was
something I had always believed, but did not know how
to express – it seemed such a natural thing. My im-
provement was very gradual, but I felt I was recovering.
After the Christmas holidays I started in at school and
went the whole term without missing a day, – some-
thing I had never done before. I finished my school
course without missing a day – in fact, I have not spent
a day in bed since that time. I feel absolutely certain
that I have two sound, healthy lungs now. The hollows
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