Chapter XVIII - Fruitage
that was all. I gave her the last tablet at eight o'clock
that was all. I gave her the last tablet at eight o'clock
that night, and about nine o'clock the next day a lady
who had been healed in Christian Science visited her,
and introduced her to this great truth. She accepted it
and thought she would try it. The lady loaned her Sci-
ence and Health. She got the book about ten o'clock
that day and read it until dinner was called. She ate a
hearty dinner, the first in about three days, and that same
evening she dressed herself, walked into the dining-room,
ate a hearty supper and enjoyed it. She slept well that
night. She borrowed this lady's copy of Science and
Health two hours each day for eight days, and was
healed. The first day that she read Science and Health
she weighed about ninety-five pounds. Three months
later she weighed one hundred and thirty-five pounds. –
A. J. D., Houston, Tex.
It may help others to know that some one was really
It may help others to know that some one was really
healed of severe illness through Christian Science. It
is over nine years since we first became interested in
the Science, and it would be hard to find a healthier
person than I am now. I can go all day, from morn-
ing till night, upheld by the thought that "they that
wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." I
can truly say that I scarcely know what physical wear-
iness is any more. Before I came into Science the
physicians said that one lung was gone, and that the
other was affected with tuberculosis; so, from their
standpoint, there was little left for me to hope for. We
had tried every remedy that they had suggested. I had