Chapter XVIII - Fruitage
to treat him, but was so frightened I could not think;
to treat him, but was so frightened I could not think;
so I picked up Science and Health, which lay on the
table beside me, and began reading aloud. I had read
but a few lines when these words came to me as though
a voice spoke, "The word of God is quick, and powerful,
and sharper than any two-edged sword." Almost im-
mediately after, the little one said, "Mamma, sing 'Shep-
herd,'" – our Leader's hymn, that both the big and
the little children love. I began singing, and commenc-
ing with the second line, the little voice joined me. I
shall never forget the feeling of joy and peace that came
over me, when I realized how quickly God's word, through
Science and Health and the beautiful hymn, had accom-
plished the healing work. This is only one of many
instances in which the power of God's word to heal has
been demonstrated in our home. – A. J. G., River-
side, Cal.
Paul said, "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your
Paul said, "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your
mind." In my own case deafness has been overcome by
an enlarged understanding of God's word, as explained
by Mrs. Eddy in Science and Health. Many times I
have been enabled to turn to God, to know it was His
will to help in trouble, and obtained the needed benefit.
Catarrh has disappeared; tonsilitis, which very frequently
laid me aside from duties in the schoolroom and home,
is no longer manifest. When temptation comes (for
Christian Science is both preventive and curative), I turn
to that wonderful book, Science and Health, and my
precious Bible, grown dearer since read in the new light