Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter XVIII - Fruitage


would have to be an operation which would include
the exposing and scraping of the sciatic nerve. There
was also another physician who, knowing of the case,
examined my heart and claimed that it was weak and
that I was liable to pass on at any time from heart
After suffering three years I heard of Christian Science,
but did not avail myself of it for two years, when I de-
cided to give up all other means and rely wholly upon
it. It was not convenient to call a practitioner, so I took
Science and Health and applied its teachings as best
I could. In three days the trouble completely left
me and there has never been the slightest return. My
health has been good ever since, and I am at present
in perfect physical health. I have been benefited in
every way by Christian Science, physically, mentally, and
spiritually, and would not be without my understand-
ing of it for anything. – Mrs. E. A. K., Billings,
I am very thankful to God for what He has done for
me. I was suddenly left alone, with many troubles
and trials, and I took up the study of the Bible. I
was trying to understand it, prior to joining some
church, as it seemed to me this would be expected. I
had attended all sorts of churches from my childhood
up, but never could find any that met my need. As
time passed on, my condition became very alarming.
Sciatic rheumatism, that had troubled me for some
years, became so severe I could scarcely do anything.
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