Science and Health
with Key to The Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
Chapter X - Science Of Being


Jesus as mediator
ing the way of divine Science, he became the way of
salvation to all who accepted his word. From him mor-
tals may learn how to escape from evil. The
real man being linked by Science to his Maker,
mortals need only turn from sin and lose sight of mortal
selfhood to find Christ, the real man and his relation to
God, and to recognize the divine sonship. Christ, Truth,
was demonstrated through Jesus to prove the power of
Spirit over the flesh, – to show that Truth is made
manifest by its effects upon the human mind and body,
healing sickness and destroying sin.
Spiritual government
Jesus represented Christ, the true idea of God. Hence
the warfare between this spiritual idea and perfunctory
religion, between spiritual clear-sightedness
and the blindness of popular belief, which led
to the conclusion that the spiritual idea could be killed
by crucifying the flesh. The Christ-idea, or the Christ‑
man, rose higher to human view because of the crucifixion,
and thus proved that truth was the master of death.
Christ presents the indestructible man, whom Spirit cre-
ates, constitutes, and governs. Christ illustrates that
blending with God, his divine Principle, which gives man
dominion over all the earth.
Deadness in sin
The spiritual idea of God, as presented by Jesus, was
scourged in person, and its Principle was rejected. That
man was accounted a criminal who could
prove God's divine power by healing the
sick, casting out evils, spiritualizing materialistic beliefs,
and raising the dead, – those dead in trespasses and
sins, satisfied with the flesh, resting on the basis of mat-
ter, blind to the possibilities of Spirit and its correla-
tive truth.
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