Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter VIII - Healing the Sick


error and brings to light immortality. The works of
our Master convinced Nicodemus their origin was God,
the Principle of harmonious man. So when he inquired
of him how he healed, this was the reply, "Except a
man be born again, he cannot enter into the kingdom
of heaven; "except he understands Life outside of per-
sonal sense he will never gain the harmony of being.
But this was not the Pharisee's Christianity, nor the
Rabbi's choice; to them sense was more desirable than
Soul; matter had more claims than Spirit, and man,
than God. Said the Master, "Because I tell you the
Truth, ye believe me not, but he that is of God heareth
God's words," i.e., the truly spiritual will understand
the things that belong to Spirit, but the more material
find this very difficult.
When Jesus introduced Christianity that cut off
right hands and plucked out right eyes, demanding the
control of our bodies and a nobler existence, they said,
"He is a Samaritan and hath a devil," i.e., we know
his origin, and for him to claim, "I and the Father are
one," indicating he is God, is imposition. Pride said,
then as now, Truth must come from the rulers, be
clad in soft raiment, and nothing else should be found
Truth. But Wisdom foreseeing this error, said, "Out
of the mouth of babes hast thou perfected praise," and
"except you become as a little child, you cannot enter
into harmony; i.e., unless we yield our educated opin-
ions and beliefs, and reject the positions of personal
sense, we shall neither discern our true being, nor un-
derstand the omnipotence of Spirit.
Standing at the bed of death, we need these words
and their meaning to re-assure us and raise up the dying.
"He that believeth in me shall never see death." The
little trust we have in Spirit, and the strong faith we
hold in matter, will meet us at this point with the in-
quiry, "Adam, where art thou," cherishing the belief
of Life in matter, or holding firmly on to Life that is
Spirit? and the answer we honestly give will show us
where we stand. The last enemy to be overcome is
death; therefore much is to be understood before we
gain this great point in science. Laying aside the be-
liefs that so easily beset us, we should not regard a con-
dition of matter able to destroy man, mind or body, for
both are immortal. A wasted form lies before you;
the doctor calls his disease consumption, but the scient-
ist finding no identity in discord, regards the disease a
belief, and cures it thus; for understanding in part the
Life that is Soul, he will destroy this belief of sense
with the science of being. Never consent to the death
of man, but rise to the supremacy of Spirit over matter,
and denying the claims of personal sense, prove what
it is to be a Christian whose Life is "hid with Christ
in God;" therefore wholly spiritual. What if the
lungs are ulcerated or decayed, mind has done this;
action is produced by mind and not matter; change,
therefore, your belief in the case, combat the error and
belief of Life in matter, with the Truth that Life is Soul
and not sense, and you will form the lungs anew, and
they will resume their healthy functions. We know this
to be true, and state it because we have proved it.
Disease is a belief, its origin mental instead of physical,
and it matters not what the body indicates, in reality
all is mind, there is no matter, and mortal things are be-
liefs, and not the science of man in which he is immortal.
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