Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter VII - Physiology


claim to a dupe or a victim, than the assassin's steel.
Inert matter taken wholly into account, and mind
disregarded! when the sequel proved the patient died
of mind instead of matter.
Books that would rule disease out of the mind
instead of impressing it more strongly on the belief,
would abate sickness ten per cent, in a short period.
Instruct your patient that he is not an involuntary
subject of disease, but can resist it, and overcome it too,
with mind that is superior to matter. To understand
their God-given dominion over the body, would reas-
sure and encourage the sick and impart healthy action
to the body. Knowing their mental power, they would
meet sickness as fearlessly as we encounter a swarm of
insects that flee before us.
Science and personal sense are antagonists, bearing
very different reports of man, but demonstration proves
science right and personal sense wrong, and that mind
instead of matter controls matter. Doctors examine the
body to ascertain the exact power matter is bringing to
bear on man to kill him, and render judgment accord-
ingly. Giving all precedence to discord, they poison
the minds of patients with the belief they have no
defense, mentally, over their bodies, when the fact is,
mind produces all action, whether it be sickness or
health. Reverse the case, and when the symptoms of
disease appear administer to the mind and not the body;
teach the patient that pain, swelling, ulceration, morbid
or acute action, etc., appear on the body only because
they are mapped out in mind, for the latter transfers
its images to the body. Ask the patient what he thinks
of the ailment; and what his mind admits on the
subject is what you must destroy in order to relieve
the obedient body of discord. Go to the fountain head
to heal your patient. But what a task! say you, to
teach the present age mind's control over the body.
Admitting it changes the stand-point of old theories,
turning them upside down, and the sick may not un-
derstand your sayings at first, still they will produce
an effect on their minds, and this will affect their bodies.
This is the science of being, that Truth, brought to bear
on error, begins to destroy it. You will heal the sick
with Truth despite the odds against you, and inaugurate
a perception of science that will be for "the healing of
the nation." You may be quite sure that not under-
standing your metaphysical process of healing, your
patients will have little faith in it until they feel its
beneficial effects, showing you their faith is not what
heals them. Your demonstration must be the only proof
of what you say. The sick are sooner restored by Truth
than error, and through mind than matter. The men-
tal cure is higher proof of power, because it is made
against fearful odds, even the weight of universal opinion
in favor of matter, and the preconceived views of your
patient working unconsciously against themselves and
the metaphysical cure.
Physiology insists the body is diseased independent
of mind, and despite its protest; that its functions are
interrupted without the co-operation of mind, and that
matter-laws control the body. This error is quite as
palpable to us, and will be to others at some future day,
as the rejected tenet of theology, that "all are lost who
are not elected to be saved."
The body is our servant, obedient not only to mind in
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