Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter VII - Physiology


ulation instead of good deeds, then you adhere to error
and flee to electricity because you have not science, and
are afraid to trust yourself to heal with your God-being.
"Adam, where art thou?" is your question here at
every step. If you manipulate the sick, the more to
satisfy them that you are doing something for them,
this is not necessary, for they are generally satisfied
when cured, and manipulation will retard your success.
"Where your treasure is there will your heart be also."
Having more faith in electricity than you have in your
God-being, balances you on the side of matter, and
your power as a mesmerist will diminish your achieve-
ments in the direction of science, and vice versa, and
this should remind you where your treasure is. Cast-
ing out error with Truth shows your real position
in science. The sensualist or dishonest man can never
rely on Truth to heal the sick; they must depend on
personal sense, and their only power is mesmerism
and manipulation. Jesus cast out error and healed
the sick, not with manipulations or drugs, but his
Food, fatigue, or sleeplessness, you say may cause
distressed stomachs or aching heads, and then cudgel
your brains to reproduce in memory what you think
hurts you, when your remedy lies in getting the whole
thing out of mind, for matter has no sensation and mind
only can give pain. To reduce inflammation, dissolve
tumors, or cure organic disease, mind is more potent
than matter, and why not, since Intelligence is Life,
and mind the seat of feeling or sensation, the body has
nothing to do with it. When we say the stomach or
head is disordered or pained, consider what art thou that
repliest to Spirit? can matter speak for itself, or has it
the issues of Life? Pain or pleasure belongs to mind
alone. Matter has no partnership with Spirit. The
head cannot ache, but believing it does, "as a man
thinketh so is he." Mind is all that feels, that produces
action or impedes it; but, ignorant of this, or shrinking
from its responsibility, you throw the burden on matter,
and lose conscious control over your body. Adjust a
balance, and a single weight removed from one of the
scales gives preponderance to the opposite one; so with
body and mind; what you cast into the scale of matter
to weigh for or against health, you take away from In-
telligence, and its power to hold the balance against
matter. Your belief weighs against your health while it
ought to weigh for it. When the body is sick according
to a belief of matter, you trust in drugs, laws of health
and matter to heal it, when you have got yourself into
the difficulty through these very beliefs of Intelligent
matter. Disease is caused and cured by mind alone;
matter never did it; this you do not understand now,
but must before you are immortal. To lay aside our
God-being as of little use in sickness, seems anomalous;
to depend on matter then and put Truth aside for the
hour of health, is to learn it can not do as much for you
then as in sickness.
Because materia medica and physiology say man is
sick and useless, suffering, or dying, in obedience to
laws of God, are we to believe this? despite his laws
to the contrary are we to believe what Jesus proved
false? he surely did the will of the Father and healed
sickness instead of producing it. The demands of God
relate to mind alone, but the claims of physiology
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