Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter VI - Marriage


verge of a new existence; wherein the old is fading
out of the experience, to admit the new; two beings
mingling into one; be not in haste to take the vow,
"until death do us part," but consider well its obli-
gations, responsibilities, and relations to all your future
happiness; "judge before friendship, then confide till
Chapter VII
BECAUSE science reverses the positions of personal
sense, human reason acts slowly in accepting it, con-
testing every inch of ground it occupies, while error,
self-complacent and applauded, sneers at the slow
marches of Truth. Physiology is a name in our land.
Institutions honor it, and materia medica bows the
knee, but notwithstanding this, it has not improved
mankind. We shall yet open our eyes to this fact in
theodicy, that depending on matter for what Intelli-
gence is responsible, is a mistake with grave conse-
quences. The fundamental error of mortal man, is the
belief that man is matter, but theorizing from mush-
rooms up to brains, amounts to little in the right direc-
tion, and much in the wrong. Classifying the different
species of man, mineral, vegetable, and animal, an egg
is the author of the genus homo; but we perceive no
reason why man should begin thus sooner than in the
more primitive state of dust where Adam commenced.
Brains are beneath the craniums of animals; then to
admit brains are man, furnishes a pretext for saying he
was once a monkey, which is met with the reply, if
this be the case, he will again be one, according to nat-
ural history.
What is man? brain, heart, or the entire human
structure? If he is one, or all of the component parts
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