Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter IV - Creation


to govern their bodies; employing mind instead of
matter, to heal them, and also to prevent their being
sick. We should be able at the bedside of a mother,
without medicine or applications of any sort, to prevent
the pangs of child-birth; labor should be painless, and
this dreaded hour be without suffering and joyful,
even as the opening of the buds, or the development
of the flower. Mind controls embryology without pain
to the universe, and why not the same with woman?
The parent's mind develops the infant before and after
birth, until the mother says, my child can take care of
itself; at this period the human species, bird and beast,
dismiss their offspring from their immediate maternal
eye, and commence educating them to what is termed,
self-dependence; but alas! on the ground that Life
depends on matter, and this destroys the self-reliance
that science would give.
Although the advancing stages of human develop-
ment require the higher order of parental mind to guide
their offspring aright, we regret to say, the human
species make shocking work of it. The peculiar traits
and characteristics of progenitors are transmitted from
generation to generation; but this is a transfer of belief
only, the parent's mind passing to their offspring.
The poisonous reptile, bird of prey, beast carnivorous,
and mortal man, are products of mortal belief, of error
and not Truth, of sense instead of Soul. The belief
that Life and Intelligence belong to the body, is the
source of all wrong-thinking, and wrong-acting; it
takes away from Soul and gives to sense, and is the
fountain of sickness, sin, and death. All formations are
shadows of being, and we their Soul and Substance;
but this fact of science detracts nothing from God, the
universal Intelligence; and because this statement, un-
derstood, brings forth good fruits, heals the sick and
destroys error, we have the Master's rule for its cor-
rectness, insomuch as the tree is known by its fruit.
Life is the forming and governing Principle of all things,
and by no means the frailty that the foot of man crushes
out. Soul is the immortal basis of man and the uni-
verse, the Truth of all things, and the Principle that
holds the very winds in its fist.
Substance is Intelligence, yea, Spirit, not matter. "I
am the resurrection and Life," are the words of him
who spake as never man spake; and knew all about it.
But this understanding of Truth is to-day a voice cry-
ing in the wilderness of error. All is discord in mortal
man; the good he would do is held back, by sickness,
sin or death; if he works to benefit his race, he sinks
into a premature grave, with softened brain, or some-
thing of this sort. Mental labor should strengthen
man; mind is capable of endless action and immortal
harmony; but incessant action will destroy matter.
Searching into the science of being will never soften a
man's brain, or produce disease of any kind, but is
known to cure disease. And the only difficulty in
proving this, is the utter ignorance of its principle.
But taking an old belief by the throat is surely no small
task; somehow like the phoenix, it rises from its own
ashes. The influence one mind exerts involuntarily
over another is little understood; all our thoughts are
moulded more or less by others; the body is governed
by mind, notwithstanding our utter ignorance of this,
and involuntary submission to it. If to-day the general
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