Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter III - Spirit and Matter


body is mortal until Life is understood, therefore, be
wise to-day; willful ignorance culminates in outer
darkness, and the future will reveal the great error of
leaving the work of time for eternity. The end and
aim of being is happiness; but this can only be attained
through righteousness; we cannot possess the love of
this world and be right, for it shuts out God, that is
Love; one will be master in the affections, and personal
sense tramples on the pearls of spiritual sense. Adhere
to the latter and you will be able to govern the former,
but yield to the former and the latter will leave man to
sickness, sin and death. If you have stripped sin of
its disguises, you have done well; but expect your good
to be evil spoken of, or if you have pointed out the
straight and narrow way of science, remember you will
be persecuted for righteousness sake. This is the cross,
take it up; it wins the crown, then wear it. Pilgrim
on earth, thy home is heaven; stranger here, thou art
the guest of God.
Chapter IV
THE evermore of Truth is changing the universe;
thought is expanding beyond words; we are losing our
swaddling clothes, asking for more light; yea, reaching
forth to the stature of Soul outside the body. "Let
there be light," is the demand of Life and Love, chang-
ing chaos to order and discord to the music of the
spheres. Progress takes off all shackles, and the finite
yields to the Infinite. Advancing to a higher plane of
action, thought grows new, and rises from the personal
to the Impersonal; from the mortal to the Immortal,
which is from the material to the spiritual idea of God.
We have the authority of holy writ that God is Spirit,
therefore it is not personality that demands our ig-
norant worship, and holds sway over man and the
universe. There is but one God: yet there are many
persons, and to worship personality would be to have
"gods" many. That three persons are united in one body
suggests a heathen Deity more than Jehovah; integral
molecules are no portions of Wisdom and Love, "that
spake and it was done;" and whose "word was God."
Life, Truth, and Love, are the triune Principle of man
and of the universe; they are the great Jehovah, and
these three are one, and our Father, which art in heaven.
What is the person of God? He has no personality,
for this would imply Intelligence in matter; the body
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