Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter III - Spirit and Matter


and ceremonies, or in proselyting for certain forms of
belief: members of his church must answer to them-
selves, in the secret sanctuary of Soul, questions of the
most solemn import. First, am I surely gaining a vic-
tory over matter, and present with Spirit, present with
Love and Truth, supping with them and they with
me, gaining this oneness with God, of which Jesus
spake, thus rising superior to personal sense, and con-
quering sickness, sin and death; am I caring less and
less for earthly pleasures or pains, and getting out with
the sinner and in with the saint? The true answer to
these inquiries will set us all right; they are the only
signs significant of the burial of the body with Christ,
and its resurrection with God, Truth, compared with
which rites and ceremonies sink into insignificance.
We have no record that forms of church worship were
instituted by our great spiritual teacher, Jesus of
Nazareth, and we learn the improbability of this, in
the science of God, that he taught and demonstrated.
Said he, "The time now is when they that worship
the Father should worship him in Spirit, and no longer
in Jerusalem," (the wealth and learning) "of our tem-
ples"; a magnificent edifice was not the sign of Christ's
Anciently the followers of Christ, Truth, measured
their Christianity by the control it gave them over
sickness, sin and death; whereas the more modern
forms of religion leave out the first proof, and substi-
tute observances for a test of the latter; but we are
learning slowly, as the centuries pass, to leave forms
and doctrines, and require the primitive tests of Chris-
tianity. If we accept the mere letter of moral and spir-
itual science and omit the Spirit, we shall not gain the
great Truth that destroys sin as well as sickness, but
omit the important point that heals the sick. We must
watch and work more for the Christianity of the science
of being than its other points, and make this our first
proof if we would succeed in healing, for this more
than all else gives success.
When the science is made clear to the understanding,
it presents a thorough explanation of the Principle
whereby Jesus and his disciples healed the sick, cast
out error, and raised the dead. We may not hope to
explain in this limited volume the great Truth and
science of being to the full understanding of our readers,
insomuch as our own and their beliefs hide its quick
perception, and to change their views with Truth is the
labor of teaching. It requires experience and time for
the spiritual advancement of some students, while others
assimilate Truth as the great want of their being. We
can only sow the seed in this book, and trust the Lord
of harvest to give the fuller sense of harmonious being.
In centuries past, Jesus founded Christianity on the
spiritual basis, that neither ritualism, doctrine nor be-
lief, but Wisdom, Truth and Love make Christians,
and cast out error, and heal the sick; but to-day church
forms are held responsible for Christianity, and drugs
and matter-laws to heal the sick.
To ascertain what our progress is and what our state
of Christianity, we have only to learn what God we
acknowledge and obey. If we are progressing, God will
become less personal and material to our understanding,
and more practical, matter will be yielding to Spirit,
and the Spirit we manifest will reveal us; personal
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