Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter III - Spirit and Matter


appear in demonstration; hence when their Spirit or
Truth is gained, all forms should be laid aside; we can-
not serve two masters, and keep the commandment,
"Thou shalt have no other gods before Me."
We worship spiritually only as we cease to worship
through material forms; the material must and will
give place to the spiritual; let it be so then, and not
as in the fable, because the wind blows that would
take off the cloak, hug more closely what the wind
should remove. Displace the belief of God in matter,
or Soul in body, and happiness and immortality will be
understood, and never can be until this is done. We
gather not grapes of thorns; nor fill vessels that are
To empty mankind of error so that Truth may flow
into the mind, is the work before us; and those com-
missioned for this work will suffer tribulation such as
has not been since the beginning. When Truth ad-
vances, error must recede, but will cry out as it goes:
"Why art thou come hither to torment me before
the time;" persecution, however, advances the true
idea, for it sets thought at work on the subject at issue.
Our individual sufferings for Truth, serve to spirit-
ualize us; hence the benediction on those persecuted
for righteousness sake, "For theirs is the kingdom of
Christianity is not a creed, doctrine, or belief; but
the demonstration of Life, Love, and Truth; it is not a
special gift from a personal Jehovah, but the understand-
ing of God, that is gained through much tribulation in
the world, but great peace in Truth; error must and
will make war on Truth, because it is proof, and not
profession. The Principle of being that makes man
harmonious we cannot reach through material rites or
the worship of a personal God. The one scientific
statement of being, is that neither man nor matter has
substance, Life or Intelligence. There is a wide differ-
ence between the interpretation belief and opinions
give of Christianity, and that which the science of Life
demonstrates. Jesus and his students healed the sick,
because of their spirituality: they healed with Christ,
Truth, and not in the name of Christ, but in the prac-
tice thereof. We have no need of creeds and church
organizations to sustain or explain a demonstrable
platform, that defines itself in healing the sick, and
casting out error. The uselessness of drugs, the emp-
tiness of knowledge that puffeth up, and the imaginary
laws of matter are very apparent to those who are
rising to the more glorious demonstration of their God‑
The mistake the disciples of Jesus made to found
religious organizations and church rites, if indeed they
did this, was one the Master did not make; but the
mistake church members make to employ drugs to heal
the sick, was not made by the students of Jesus.
Christ's church was Truth, "I am Truth and Life,"
the temple for the worshippers of Truth is Spirit and
not matter, even the Principle of man and the universe
that calls on those professing godliness, to understand
God, and to be absent from the body to be present with
Him, and to claim their right of membership by destroy-
ing sickness, sin, and death. Is there any higher Chris-
tianity than this?
No time was lost by our Master in organizations, rites,
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