Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter III - Spirit and Matter


We should never ask after the condition, structure,
or economy of the body, but take no thought about it;
– Soul governs man better than sense, and for the
body to be sensationless is science. The compound
minerals or aggregate substances that compose the
earth, the relations constituent masses bear to each
other, or the magnitudes, distances, revolutions, etc.,
of the celestial bodies, are of no real importance,
for all this must give place to the spiritualized under-
standing, that matter is not substance, and when we
admit this, man will be found harmonious and eternal,
even the idea of God, that expresses the harmony of
Material substance, geological calculations, etc., will
be swallowed up in the infinite Spirit that comprehends
and evolves all idea, structure, form, coloring, etc., that
we now suppose are produced by matter. The spir-
itual perception of man and of the universe constitutes
the true idea of both. While Columbus was putting
down one of the errors of personal sense, and giving
freer breath to the globe, the hands of ignorance and
superstition were chaining the honest limbs of the brave
old navigator; starvation and disgrace looked him in
the face, but sterner still had been the fate of him
whom history has since immortalized, had his discovery
embraced a Principle, undermining sensuality. Age
nor accident interferes with the senses of Soul; the
body has no sensation; it cannot see, hear or feel, not-
withstanding the belief to the contrary. Understanding
this truth, the Master knew no loss of our faculties can
occur except to belief; therefore he knew how to han-
dle personal sense, by putting it under his feet, which
enabled him to restore sight to the blind, hearing to the
deaf, and speech to the dumb.
If it be true that sensation is in nerves, hearing in
the ear, sight in the eye, etc.; when these organs are
lost our faculties are gone, therefore they cannot be
immortal in Spirit, when the reality is they are immor-
tal only thus; personal sense returns to dust, and gives
place to spiritual sense, wherein we find not a faculty
lost, and nothing gone except sin and suffering. Be-
cause the so-called personal senses are mortal we must
admit them error, a belief, and not the Truth of man.
What we call laws of nature are as able to destroy
the immortality of Soul, as body, or take from man
one jot of what God hath given. "To the unknown
God, whom therefore ye ignorantly worship," be these
laws inscribed. Idolatry keeps pace with civilization,
when instead of wood or stone we bow to drugs, flesh-
brush, flannel, etc., etc. Thou shalt have no other
gods before Me, is the command of Wisdom; no Intel-
ligence in matter, no imaginary physical law, but the
one supreme spiritual law of being, namely, the Truth
of Soul and body.
Discord and suffering proceed not from God, from
Soul, but sense; should man obey Intelligence alone,
happiness and harmony would be universal. In the
days of Jesus and his students, Truth healed the sick;
and would to-day do this, and make man perfect; if we ad-
mitted the Truth, there is but one Intelligence, and
this, God, governing man, yea, Spirit triumphing over
matter. Man worships material forms of religion, crin-
ges to popular favor, delves deeper into matter, strain-
ing at gnats and swallowing camels; popular humbug
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