Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter III - Spirit and Matter


and eternal. Not, however, that a mortal man em-
braces one atom of goodness; all is sin and sense there,
but that the good outside of him at times shines through
him like the sunbeams that the vapory cloud cannot
hide. The less we admit matter intelligent, and cease
to call the body "I," the more we gather ourself in the
good, outside of evil, and the sooner will God be under-
stood, and man will be found the image and likeness
of God.
Admitting Soul is in the body, and Life and Intelli-
gence matter, as well as God; the infinite gets into the
finite, and even then cannot control the body in which
He dwells; contending bodily conditions are beyond
the control of Intelligence; we employ matter reme-
dies to do what is not even expected of Omnipotence,
and mortal man limps with lameness, droops with dys-
pepsia, or consumes with pulmonary disease, etc., until
this so-called man yields up the ghost.
We should hesitate to say God sins and suffers,
although the logic of such reasoning would be this; if
God dwells in person or man we must confess to athe-
ism and submerge Intelligence in matter. How far is
the belief removed from infidelity, that unites Spirit
and matter, and employs the latter to heal the sick,
thus tacitly acknowledging matter superior to God.
This error cannot be understood, or it would not be
There are evil beliefs, and these falsely called evil
"spirits." There is but one Spirit, viz., Life, Love, and
Truth; and this is sufficient for all things, and a
"very present help in time of trouble"; but when
knowledge takes the responsibility to say matter is
more potent than man's Maker, is it well to suppose
Christianity can mix with this belief, so opposite to
Jesus' teachings, and demonstrate as he did the science
of being, casting out error, and healing the sick.
To understand that "I" is Intelligence, and this the
one God, enables man to gain the immortality of Soul,
and to destroy the errors of sense, and make the body
harmonious and eternal, because it is governed by Spirit;
but to believe ourself nerves, bones, brain, etc., is to
accept the aid of matter to control the body, virtually
admitting God incapable of the entire government of
man. If brains, nerves, etc., are intelligent, then Spirit
and matter commingle, and sin and holiness, sickness
and health, Life and death, good and evil, are mixed,
and who shall say which is one or the other, for this
would be a matter of opinion. Our Master destroyed
this doctrine when He said, "there is no fellowship
between God and Belial." If man is Intelligence,
there are gods many; or if Intelligence is in man, the
greater enters into the lesser; and God becomes less
than man, and there is no God; 'tis in vain we insist
on such self-evident error! Those self-conscious of
any goodness are also conscious of Love and Truth,
outside of matter.
If man would pay due allegiance to God, what
stronger argument has he by which to overcome sick-
ness and sin, than to regard these not made by God,
"who made all that was made;" and because they
were not, that they are without creation or reality. To
trample on sin by holding yourself superior to it, is wis-
dom; but to fear it, bringeth a snare, because you ac-
knowledge some power or Intelligence superior to God.
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