Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter I - Natural Science


from the so-called five personal senses that we are
taught to revere and cultivate, but which Truth at
length destroys, through age, experience or spiritual
growth, and in place of sentient bodies, we find sensa-
tionless bodies, and immortal Soul, as the recognition of
being harmonious and eternal. The body mortal is not
man, for man is immortal; but with sensation in the
body he is not immortal, and cannot be Spirit, which
is Soul.
To admit physical effects is to conclude matter cause
and effect, whence it follows there are two causes, viz.,
mind and matter, else that mind produces matter, or
matter produces mind, which contradicts the science of
Life in its demonstration, and is like saying dust orig-
inated man, and a serpent a dove. Soul is Intelligence,
but the so-called mind of body is belief only, the lim-
ited and mortal that embraces not the boundless and
eternal, for such is Intelligence. Hence we learn that
Soul, therefore Spirit, which is God, is not in man, and
that man is idea, and Soul the Principle, Life, substance
and Intelligence of man.
Having drawn the line between immortal man, or
the reality of being, and the unreal or mortal, that is
but a personal recognizance of Life, God, which is
impossible, we also learn that pain or pleasure in matter
is equally impossible. Things, as they appear from the
stand-point of personal sense, are diametrically oppo-
site to science, or immortal man seen from the stand
point of Soul; hence the difficulty sensuous man has
to understand this science, and his opposition to it, for
"the carnal man is at enmity with God." Mortal man
and personal sense are not mind but belief; mind is
understanding, belief is ignorance, even the error that
Truth consigns to oblivion.
What is deemed Life in vegetable and animal be-
comes a self-evident falsehood, when all that is left of
it is death. The science of being alone reveals Life or
Principle, that reverses every position of personal
sense; showing also that sickness, sin and death dis-
appear with the understanding of being and our real
existence, for in this alone are we harmonious, sinless,
and eternal.
Will man lose his identity in conscious infinitude of
being? It is impossible that he should lose aught that
tends to his completeness, in a state through which he
gains all; matter, embracing sickness, sin and death, is
all that will ever be lost. Life is not structural and
organic, for Life is Spirit, Soul, and not sense, and
without beginning and without end. Life is Principle,
and not person; joy and not sorrow; holiness, not sin,
and harmony, without a tone of discord. In science we
learn there is but one God, also that God is Spirit;
hence there is but one Spirit, for there is not an evil
God. To gain the harmony of being, and be perfect
even as the Father, God must be understood, which
means, the Principle of man must be understood; be-
lieving in God never made a Christian.
The only immortal basis of man is Soul; hence the
importance to plant one's self on the basis of being, and
work from this to gain our ultimate harmony. Soul
and not sense reveals the glorious possibilities of man,
even the circumference of his being unlimited by a be-
lief of Life in matter; getting out of material nutshells
we get out of error, whereby we learn the last shall be
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