Science and Health
by Mary Baker Glover
Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration


Principle to reach it, and enable man to work out his
own salvation; 'tis Truth, the Principle of man that
does this. But is there not a smoother and broader
path to harmony or heaven; and cannot Christianity
be coupled with worldly peace and prosperity? The
very nature of it is peace and blessedness, but its joys
and triumphs are not earthly, they are passing away
from matter to Spirit. By this we do not mean death,
nor a sudden ecstasy; but the gradual fading out of
material things, of earthly desires, possessions and
pleasures, and the coming in of purity, Truth and im-
mortality. The demands of personal sense will grow
less, the appetite become simple, pride, malice and all
sin yield to meekness, mercy and Love, until finally
the belief of Life in matter yields to the consciousness
that Life is Spirit, and Spirit, God. All good thoughts
and deeds are science that proceeds not from a doc-
trinal basis, but is soul subduing sin, personal belief,
personal pleasure, or pain; and revealing all harmony,
righteousness and blessedness in our God-being.
Chapter III
Spirit and Matter
IF happiness and Life are of the body, personal sense
is man, and man is matter, an intelligent body, but
sickness, sin and death do not constitute immortal man,
neither are these Spirit.
Nothing false or impure is for a moment embraced in
immortal Soul; these are mortal, the destructive ele-
ments of matter-mind. The best sermon ever preached
is Truth demonstrated on the body, whereby sickness
is healed and sin destroyed. Knowing that one will be
supreme in the affections, and take the lead of our ac-
tions, the Master said, "Ye cannot serve two masters,"
well knowing that which determines our place in
Christianity proves also whether man is the servant of
Soul, or sense, of God, or man. If Spirit governs man,
sin does not tempt him, the so-called laws of matter
make him sick, or limit his Life and usefulness. Straight
and narrow is the path of science, and few there be who
go in thereat.
The Truth of man makes a new creature; "old things
have passed away, and behold all things have become
new." When personal sense is exchanged for the sci-
ence of being, "all things become immortal and harmo-
nious;" every belief of matter as substance, Life, or
Intelligence, must be destroyed before man is found the
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