Chapter II - Imposition and Demonstration
Conservatism never was right, absolute Truth is all that
Conservatism never was right, absolute Truth is all that
is right, and absolute error is easier made right than a
half-way position. Mediumship assigns to their dead a
condition worse than blighted buds or mortal mildew,
even a poor purgatory where one's chances for some-
thing narrow into nothing, or they must return to the
old stand-points of matter.
"He is not dead but sleepeth." Jesus knew Lazarus
"He is not dead but sleepeth." Jesus knew Lazarus
was in the dream of a midway condition when Truth
wakened him; if we could do this, we might claim his
spirituality. Until the imaginary connection between
the so-called dead, named "spirits," and those supposed
to be living in matter is destroyed, mortal man is not
dead, only changed, for the immortal is not gained, and
belief can gather itself on the wrong side of the ques-
tion, and continue the old conclusion of Life in matter;
this, however, is far from the science of being. When
Life is really gained outside of matter, it is understood,
in which case the belief that Life was ever in the body
is gone and cannot be resurrected; our friends thus
advanced are Spirit, that never rose from dust and can
no more return to, or commune with matter than a
blossom can return to its bud.
The period required for the dream of Life in matter
The period required for the dream of Life in matter
embracing pleasures and pains of personal sense to van-
ish, "no man knoweth, not the son but the Father."
It will be of longer or shorter duration according to the
period of error, before the reality of being is understood
and eternal Life won. What advantage then would it
be to us, or the departed, to prolong this state, by
prolonging the belief of Life in matter.
There is not as much evidence of intercommunion
There is not as much evidence of intercommunion
between the so-called dead and living, as the sick have
between the so-called dead and living, as the sick have
of their positions relative to disease, which science
decides an error, for it denies all identity or reality to
discord. The entire phenomena of mediumship are
deceptions or delusions; what is capable of error is not
science, but destitute of Principle. When the so-called
medium understands even in part the science of being,
his belief of mediumship is gone, and the result is, he
no longer produces the manifestations said to originate
with departed "spirits," but which are really contingent
on the beliefs of the living, instead of the dead.
The phenomena of science based on a demonstrable
The phenomena of science based on a demonstrable
Principle, are explainable, but personal interpreters
may create an 'ism in which phenomena are not under-
stood, and subject to gross misjudgings. Thus error is
engrafted into their net-work, and error is not linked to
Truth, hence the gulf impassable that separates the so‑
called Life in matter, from Life not subject to death,
and the mischance and mischief that characterize the
so-called spirit-returns; the natural result of the
attempt to unite such opposites as Spirit and matter is
discord; as soon might fire and frost mingle, for in
either case one would destroy the other. That matter
communes with Spirit, or that Spirit communes by
means of electricity or personality with Spirit or mat-
ter, is impossible, and would destroy the order and har-
mony of progress. If communion is possible between
the so-called dead and living, the departed go back-
ward in the scale of being, even as the oak holding on
to its primitive acorn, or the so-called medium advances
to Life independent of matter, like an acorn, becom-
ing instantaneously an oak. Again, if the medium is