Chapter I - Natural Science
and form of a man reflected from the mirror is not man,
and form of a man reflected from the mirror is not man,
that he is not in the shadow of himself; hence the error
to suppose the Intelligence, substance and Life of man,
are man, or in him. Again, who believes that gender
belongs to the man in the mirror? Gender is Principle
and not person, and man is shadow and not substance;
why he is mortal to personal sense, is because it sup-
poses him substance, Life and Intelligence. Mortal
man is but a dream of Intelligence, substance and Life
in matter, not the man of God, but the man of man,
and shadow of shadows, therefore he reflects no Princi-
ple, and is without any real basis. To personal sense
science is presumptive logic; nevertheless it reveals
Truth: the ultimatum of being corroborates the state-
ment that man is shadow and not substance; we are
daily hastening to this proof, and must reach its recog-
nition to gain immortality, for the Truth of man alone
makes him immortal. The belief, that Soul is in body,
turns to matter instead of Spirit for help in times of
trouble, and with reluctant consent acknowledges a
supreme being.
Theology embraces no creed or faith sufficient to heal
Theology embraces no creed or faith sufficient to heal
the sick, while our master made this the first article of
his faith, and proved that faith by works.
It seems ancient Christianity adhered more to Jesus'
It seems ancient Christianity adhered more to Jesus'
teachings than modern systems of religion do. Diplo-
mas have rendered it fashionable to appeal to drugs be-
fore God; and the result is stereotyped beliefs originat-
ing in knowledge, "that forbidden tree," and wanting
in the vital point whereby Jesus demonstrated Chris-
tianity in the control Soul holds over sense.
The so-called man, born to-day and dying to-morrow,
The so-called man, born to-day and dying to-morrow,
as if something was newly created, and lost, is a dream
as if something was newly created, and lost, is a dream
and illusion! and this definition of him is not more con-
tradictory to personal sense than science demands. The
Scriptures inform us clearly on this point. John de-
clares – "All things were made by God, and without
Him there was nothing made that was made." This
plainly denies any new existence in the past or present,
or any creation except what sprang directly from God,
the Intelligence that made man; hence we have the
authority of Scripture for saying, mortal man and
woman since appearing are unreal, a belief only, and
The question is, did John understand the science
The question is, did John understand the science
that was the basis of his statement? He certainly fore-
saw its Principle and partly demonstrated it, thus prov-
ing his claim to make that statement. The master in-
structs us, our proof of Truth is the fruit it bears; and
the science of being destroying sin, sickness, and death,
demonstrates itself Truth.
It is presumptuous to conclude Love, Wisdom and
It is presumptuous to conclude Love, Wisdom and
Truth created what is unfit to be eternal. And when
did Truth ever destroy its own idea. God cannot des-
troy man because he is the reflection of God, therefore
Christ, Truth, casting out sin, healing the sick, and
destroying death, proves these are not of God. The
only certainty of immortality is found in the relationship
between Principle and idea, i.e., God and man, Soul
and body; Life, Love and Truth, the triune Principle,
created nothing to be blotted out; because God made
man he is immortal. That the sick, sinning, and dying
are not "made by Him," we learn of the science of
being, and through the demonstrations of Jesus.