Chapter VIII - Healing the Sick
must reduce material man to dust. Even the worm
must reduce material man to dust. Even the worm
begotten of death, springing from corruption, we name
Life in matter; making Life a product of death and
death a product of Life. When will the age awake to
reason on being, as fairly as on other subjects.
We should object to natural history leaping thus the
We should object to natural history leaping thus the
barrier of species. There is neither vegetable, animal,
nor organic Life, if Life is Spirit, and the testimony of
Scripture and demonstration of Life prove that it is.
Called to the bed of death – the Truth of being is your
only resource to restore health and raise up the so‑
called dying; on its basis alone can you recognize im-
mortality, and dispute personal sense or the apparent
fact of death, with Soul; man is not dying if Intelli-
gence is Life; man's being is mightier far than death,
for Truth is mightier than error. Your privilege is to
prove "He that believeth in me," i.e., understandeth
the Truth of being, "shall never see death." Under-
standing Life, destroys death. We have demonstrated
the effect of this statement of science on the sick suf-
ficiently to establish its practical value. Though we
admit man is immortal, we apprehend Life only as a
thing material, or escaping from the body; this is not
correct; personal belief and error is responsible for this
wrong statement of God. Death is but another phase
or belief of the dream of life in matter; and while
there is no reality in either, both will continue until
the science herein stated is understood. The obsequies
of the dead are a pitiful part of this dream, when we
remember Life has neither beginning nor end. The
so-called dead, although liberated from their belief that
Life has ended, or even changed to them, are separated
from our opinions and recognition of them; and they
from our opinions and recognition of them; and they
have no more cognizance of the body we are disposing
of than we of their actual existence; these two dreams
of Life are separated never to unite again until we pass
into their phase of belief, or at length reach the under-
standing of Life and yield the error of personal sense, or
matter-man, for Life that is God.
Science reveals immortality in such a light it pre-
Science reveals immortality in such a light it pre-
cludes the possibility of Life in mortality. The lessons
of earth should lift the affections and understanding to
a spiritual base whereby we lose error to gain Truth,
for, "he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."
Electric currents never passed from Spirit to matter;
Spirit evolves the idea of Life, and this idea has no fel-
lowship with matter or decay; to this final understand-
ing we are all hastening.
We will suppose a case on the docket of mind, in
We will suppose a case on the docket of mind, in
which a man is charged with liver complaint. The
patient feels ill, ruminates, and the trial commences.
Personal Sense is plaintiff; Man, the defendant; Belief,
the attorney for Personal Sense; Mortal Minds, the
jury, and Materia Medica, Anatomy, Physiology, Mes-
merism, and Mediumship the judges. The evidence
for the plaintiff being called, testifies:
"I am Laws of Health, was present on the nights the
"I am Laws of Health, was present on the nights the
prisoner (patient) watched with the sick, and, although
I have the superintendence of human affairs, was per-
sonally abused on those occasions, and informed I must
remain silent until called for at this trial, when I should
be allowed to testify in the case. Notwithstanding my
rules to the contrary, the prisoner watched with the
sick every night in the week; "when thirsty, he gave