Chapter VIII - Healing the Sick
necessity exists for a teacher of this science, the same
necessity exists for a teacher of this science, the same
as for music or mathematics, that must be explained to
be understood, and understood to be demonstrated.
The pioneer of what is new, or of great value to the world,
The pioneer of what is new, or of great value to the world,
is like a traveller on the desert of Arabia in company
with one who becoming alarmed, his heat and sufferings
increase and his courage fails; but the explorer, despite
the hardships, and convinced he will come out right,
accepts the situation more calmly, and encourages his
friend, assuring him the only danger is his fear, then
points anew the path; at length they reach an oasis,
where, resting and slaking their thirst, they are ready
with new vigor to push on. But here the more helpless
traveller turns to his guide, saying, are you not some-
times alarmed on this desert route? "Yes," is the
ready response; but, replied the other, you told me
my danger consisted in my fear, therefore you have
no more practical Wisdom than myself; forgetting his
guide carried the baggage, met the intricacies of the way,
and was attacked by brigands, plundered, and hindered
in his course, his fellow-traveller following not, until
the danger was over. If bearing others' burdens, you
undertake more than you can well carry, and are tried
or over-wrought, they name it a hopeless task, and
desert you; few arms are extended to your support,
until you can help yourself and others, and have no
need of aid.
We learn in science, food neither helps nor harms
We learn in science, food neither helps nor harms
man; admitting its power in one direction, we must
in another. But here it were unwise to disparage the
Principle, or proof of this statement, because you con-
tinue to eat, not having mastered the belief that Life
depends on eating. This were like denying the Prin-
depends on eating. This were like denying the Prin-
ciple of harmony, because man is not yet harmonious,
or saying Soul is not immortal, because Personal sense
takes no cognizance of this fact. Man's Life is Soul,
that eats not to live, and immortal man is the idea of
Soul instead of sense. We have no evidence of food
sustaining Life, except false evidence, even the belief
of Life in matter, and this belief an error. A telegram
announcing incorrectly the death of a friend, produces
the same sorrow the reality would give; but you say
your anguish is occasioned by your loss, until another
message arrives, informing you it is a mistake, and
your friend lives. Now did you not experience the
same sufferings the reality would have brought, and
did you not say it was the death of your friend that
caused these sufferings; but afterwards learn your mis-
take, realizing you suffered from a belief, and not a
reality. Thus it is with all sufferings; belief and not
Truth occasions them. Had a scientist attempted to
calm the grief of your supposed bereavement before the
second news arrived, whereby you learned the suffer-
ings were produced by error and not Truth, would you
have thanked your comforter, though she gave you re-
lief, until this fact was made plain to your understand-
ing. The body or matter never yet informed man of
disease; a belief carries the telegram to the body, and
the body manifests only the sufferings of mind. Never
a formation of Truth was diseased, or needed to be
destroyed; error is all that suffers, sins or dies. The
body manifests only what mind embraces. The mortal
body is mortal error, even a belief of Life in matter;
Truth holds man immortal, and no portion of him lost;