Chapter I - Natural Science
matter, we shall waken, not to a final judgment or res-
matter, we shall waken, not to a final judgment or res-
urrection, not with a single change in character, but for
the same judgment of Wisdom to go on in process of
purification as before, until Truth finally destroys error.
When the final triumph of Soul over sense is achieved,
the last trump has sounded, and not until then; this
hour "no man knoweth, not the son but the Father;"
here prophecy stops and proof is wanting; but science
sees beyond the grave the certainty of immortality.
The science of Life is the only certainty of existence.
Truth is harmony and immortality. Universal salvation
holds its grounds on the basis of progression, in which
case man cannot commence too soon the severest les-
sons of science, whereby to gain happiness and immor-
tality. Heaven is not a local habitation, but the har-
mony of mind and body; and we obtain this not of
belief, but understanding, not of sense, but science.
From the sudden surprise of finding all that is mortal,
unreal, a belief only, without creation or Truth, the
question arises, who or what is it that believes. We
have before said God is the only Intelligence and can-
not believe because He understands. There is neither
substance nor Intelligence, in the mountain mirage that
seemeth what it is not, and such is mortal man; nor in
a face reflected from the mirror; but such is not immor
tal man the image of God. Intelligence is Soul and not
sense, Spirit and not matter, and God is the only Intel-
ligence, and there is but one God, hence there are no
believers! So far as this statement is understood will
it be admitted, and the true idea of God, which is the
only real man, will appear to the understanding, and
the old belief of Intelligence and Life in matter, named
by Paul "the old man," will disappear or "be put off,"
by Paul "the old man," will disappear or "be put off,"
for "dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return;"
man never dies, it is only a belief of man.
Apprehending God the only Life and Intelligence of
Apprehending God the only Life and Intelligence of
man, is the foundation of harmony, but to gain this un-
derstanding of Soul, the Principle that gave man domin-
ion over earth, 'tis necessary to understand one's-self
Spirit, and not matter. Jesus established his demon-
stration in healing the sick, etc., on this very basis,
thereby holding all being and prerogative Soul, and not
personal sense. Reason is right only when starting
from cause instead of effect, from Soul instead of sense;
conclusions based on the evidences of personal sense are
drawn from mortality.
'Ology and 'ism tend to the conviction that God who
'Ology and 'ism tend to the conviction that God who
is universal cause, is effect also, insomuch as they all
make Intelligence moral and physical, or mind and mat-
ter. The time has come to separate the belief of per-
sonal sense on the one hand, from science on the other;
hitherto man has called on man to interpret God, and
on matter and its supposed laws, to heal the sick; but
as progress compels the change, we shall seek outside of
personal sense in the Principle of things, their true
interpretation and remedy. To seek Truth through
belief is to ask the changing and erring for the immuta-
ble and immortal; or to call belief Truth, is ignorance
of God. We learn from the Scripture "God is Love,"
and this certainly is Principle instead of a person;
hence God should be understood and demonstrated:
belief can neither explain Principle nor demonstrate
God. To understand, instead of believe, what most
concerns our happiness, is essential, and to know we
are right cannot be construed irreverence to Truth.