Chapter VIII
Healing the Sick
Note. – The learner will derive more benefit from studying this
Note. – The learner will derive more benefit from studying this
science with its author, than is possible to gain from teachers in
other departments of education. The metaphysical requires the
elucidations of spiritual sense, and personal sense cannot apprehend
the explanations of soul; hence a mere classical education leaves
Spirit much out of the question, and educates man only from the
personal standpoint of matter.
OBSERVATION and experience teach us, those scorn-
OBSERVATION and experience teach us, those scorn-
ing to swerve from a direct line of duty, or vainly to
stoop to personal aggrandizement at the sacrifice of con-
science, and make popularity paramount to Truth, are
traduced by many whom that line of duty touches. In
warfare with error, you attack with intent to kill, and
the wounded or cornered beast bites you if he can; the
sin you assail turns on you and succeeds in getting the
world to condemn you, that it may justify itself. It
being found necessary to uncover sin to destroy it, you
must tell a sinner what his sins are before you can do
him good, and if he hates you for it, it is because he is
unwilling to reform. Those we attempt to raise give
us their whole weight to lift, and when we let go to
have them take hold, sometimes fall back on us. Teach-
ing the bigoted, reforming the licentious, or exposing
ing the bigoted, reforming the licentious, or exposing
the hypocrite, who shall escape without censure? We
commenced our labors in the simple faith that all whom
we healed would acknowledge it, and those we taught
would live up to our teachings if from no higher mo-
tive than to promote their success in healing; but this
has not always been the case. Although it is plain the
foundations of the science of being are Truth and spir-
ituality, and the seed that brings forth much fruit,
must fall into the "good and honest heart," yet all who
know this are not willing to yield to it. Truth stirs
man to a better, or, temporarily, to a worse condition
that afterwards leaves him better; it affects error the
same as it does sickness, causing it to intermit before it
yields and is destroyed.
The humanitarian is above the arrows in the quiver
The humanitarian is above the arrows in the quiver
of ignorance, envy, or malice; they fly beneath his feet,
until spent of their fury, they fall to the ground. Such
as are identified with a cause, until that cause is under-
stood, are not understood; in its birth they have travail
and sorrow; in its infancy, toil and sacrifice; but
clasp their nursling more tenderly when menaced,
knowing when he is a man he will speak for himself
and mother.
Nothing but a lack of spiritual discernment, or dis-
Nothing but a lack of spiritual discernment, or dis-
honesty, could prompt one who in the least comprehends
this science, to call it mesmerism, or to practice mes-
merism and call it science. When those bidden of old
to the feast of Truth came not, our Master accepted
such as did come. In like manner, to-day "the servant
must be as his Lord," exercising no choice of his own,
but laboring for posterity, bearing all blame and scorn,